3 Additional Photos & flyers

If you have photos from this show write us at fugazilive[at]dischord.com .


By: Guille de Brocá over 3 years ago

Wow people of dischord! My most effusive congratulations for such as you well define, titanic work in collecting, storing, archiving and maintaining the legacy of all, at least the maximum or well as possible within the capacity within the possible.
As for the material I have, I still have to look for the Fugazi concert with Subterranean Kids that took place in Zeleste in '92 in the middle of the Olympic craze. It was a great concert! I didn't expect less hahaha...I remember that I had a copy in vhs that I also bought in Kebra Disc in Barcelona, like the friend who writes, but in my case it was vhs and not beta. I will look for it to see if I can find it, because we are talking about a few years ago. If I find it I will tell you if I can digitize it if you don't have it. Both concerts were there in their entirety. Let me know if you need it and if so I'll look for it and see if I'm lucky!
Keep it up!!

By: Phil Carney almost 4 years ago

At least some of the video mentioned seems to have been uploaded to Youtube in the last year or so. I hope Pol and Igor et al are able to find it.


By: Pol Tusquets about 10 years ago

I´m in the same situation , i had the video , and left to someone and loose it. Really looking forward to have it , i remember me and my friends on the video.

Would be nice to find a copy.

By: Igor Serrano C. about 11 years ago

Hello there !!! :)

I once had an analog recording copy of this particular gig on a Beta videocassette . I bought it from a guy at Kebra Disc, but since now I'm a hopeless and isolated 42 year old seclusive waste, I don't feel able to beg those well connected old time's accquitances and 'friends' for something they may not care as much or no longer have the time for investigate : how the heck is it possible that there is not a single ocurrency on the entire WWW ( taking into account my limited Web crawling abilities )of a digitalized version of this set when the number "Waiting Room" it's been for a long time available on the YouTube alongside with the set from the Subterranean Kids ???

Please, would somebody here at Dischord, or another fan, anyone out there, give me a clue on this and, if possible, a means to purchase another copy of that video footage ...

THANK YOU VERY MUCH and my compliments for the entire whole thing that started around 1987 and still keeps on going with this titanic and - as it's always been the case - fair traded project !!!

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Fugazi Live Series FLS0455 Fugazi Barcelona, Spain 5/31/1992

If you had a different price in mind for this download Click Here.
Show Date:
 Zeleste 2
Played with:
 Subterranean Kids
Recorded by
 Joey Picuri
Mastered by
 Jerry Busher
Original Source:
Sound Quality:
 Poor Good Very Good Excellent
Play Sample Track
1. Intro
2. And The Same
3. Interlude 1
4. Greed
5. Latin Roots
6. Promises
7. Rend It
8. Great Cop
9. Turnover
10. Waiting Room
11. Margin Walker
12. Suggestion
13. Give Me The Cure
14. Interlude 2
15. Instrument
16. Blueprint
17. Long Division
18. Runaway Return
19. KYEO
20. Encore 1
21. Joe #1
22. Reclamation
23. Reprovisional
24. Outro

Please Note: Available recordings have been mastered to correct for volume shifts, drop outs, etc. but some sonic anomalies will still exist, especially early in the set when the mix is being settled. The band has rated each show for sound quality and set the general price of a download at $5 per show. If you have a different price in mind feel free to utilize the alternative pricing option.