Courtesy Adam Harding
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1. | Intro | |
2. | Joe #1 | |
3. | Merchandise | |
4. | Dear Justice Letter | |
5. | Interlude 1 | |
6. | Great Cop | |
7. | Walken's Syndrome | |
8. | Interlude 2 | |
9. | Stacks | |
10. | Runaway Return | |
11. | Interlude 3 | |
12. | Instrument | |
13. | Cassavetes | |
14. | Interlude 4 | |
15. | Suggestion | |
16. | Give Me The Cure | |
17. | Waiting Room | |
18. | Interlude 5 | |
19. | Two Beats Off | |
20. | Interlude 6 | |
21. | Long Division | |
22. | Blueprint | |
23. | Interlude 7 | |
24. | Repeater | |
25. | Fell, Destroyed Instrumental | |
26. | Facet Squared | |
27. | Interlude 8 | |
28. | Public Witness Program | |
29. | Outro |
Please Note: Available recordings have been mastered to correct for volume shifts, drop outs, etc. but some sonic anomalies will still exist, especially early in the set when the mix is being settled. The band has rated each show for sound quality and set the general price of a download at $5 per show. If you have a different price in mind feel free to utilize the alternative pricing option.
The first out of two consecutive nights in the city of Melbourne. Even though recorded on cassette by Fugazi sound man on the regular Joey Picuri, this recording has the feel and quality of an audience recording.
Vocals and instruments are distant, not well defined nor all that balanced, the higher frequencies shrill, the lower frequencies lacking depth. The audience does come through quite well, which is a plus, even though it results in little more than shouting out song requests.The end result is certainly still listenable but I doubt I will return to it anytime soon.
The band plays against a curfew, and tries to get as much songs in as possible. Facet Squared and Public Witness Program, songs that usually appear (much) earlier in the set list, close out the night in high gear.
Long Division is dedicated to Magic Dirt who appear to have announced their break-up just then.
Included are 19 songs total, featuring the first live rendering of Fell, Destroyed Instrumental outside of the US (which would be released in definite form in June, 1995 as part of the Red Medicine album) with the rest of the tracks taken from In on the Kill Taker (6), Steady Diet of Nothing (4), Repeater (4), 3 Songs seven-inch (1) and 7 Songs debut EP (3).