Stuff We Sell


By: Joseph H. Russek III almost 4 years ago

This album demands to be your favorite album.

By: bruno over 10 years ago

amazing !!

By: Valdir Ferreira about 11 years ago

make it available on LP again please!

By: Jason Halvorson about 12 years ago

You sounded great in Vancouver last night! Thanks for playing like it was a full room. Looking forward to checking out the vinyl today.

By: Rich Lewis about 12 years ago

CD already sold out?...

By: Robert W. Swanson about 12 years ago

I'm hearing a lot of Big Star here...and I like that!

By: Nick Evans about 12 years ago

My favourite jam in many moons :)

By: David Roberts about 12 years ago

Got the download a few days ago, been listening on the way to work and liked what I heard. The vinyl just came in today so I was able to hear it on a good system. This is a very good lp, good mix of tunes and good mastering. These guys are good musicians! The vinyl is well pressed (sadly a lot of new vinyl is victim of crappy pressing) and dead quiet. Transmission reminds me of 1965 Pink Floyd.

So when will the next lp be out?

By: Travis Gallipo about 12 years ago

Just heard Transmission. Great stuff. Can't wait to hear the full album.

PS. Some midwest tour love would be awesome as well.

By: Adrian Zias about 12 years ago

This is awesome! Transmission sounds great, can't wait for the rest to be released.

By: Kemp Herbster about 12 years ago

Can't WAIT!

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Dischord 178 Deathfix S/T

This is the debut record from Deathfix, which includes 7 songs recorded at Brendan Canty's warehouse studio space in Washington, D.C. 

Released in 2012.

Brendan Canty vocals, guitar
Rich Morel vocals, keyboards
Mark Cisneros bass
Devin Ocampo drums

1. Better Than Bad
2. Low Lying Dreams
3. Hospital
4. Dalis House
5. Playboy
6. Mind Control
7. Transmission