Sister Polygon SPR014 Flasher S/T
Formed in 2015, Flasher is Taylor Mulitz (guitar, vocals), Daniel Saperstein (bass, vocals), and Emma Baker (drums, vocals). Long-time friends, they are also established members of Washington, D.C.’s recently re-emergent DIY music scene. However, while Flasher is a product of that crew, its music operates by different physics. Where their local peers favor direct and volatile gestures, Flasher’s music exists in the tension between conflicting feelings and sensibilities. In the sometimes gritty context of a DIY venue, Flasher manages to project a bit of sensuality. They explore the overlap between aggression and intimacy.
Originally, released on cassette in April of 2016 and now reissued on vinyl with revised cover art, the band’s self-titled debut includes seven songs recorded at Lurch, a studio run by Saperstein and Owen Wuerker (fellow D.C. resident and member of Big Hush).