self released b-dadc Tim Follos and Hussain Mohammed This Was My Night And This Was a Lot of Other Nights
A collection of show reviews, interviews, and photographs chronicling the Washington, D.C. music scene between 2005 and 2013. "This Was My Night" includes interviews with Ian MacKaye, Brian Baker, Chris Moore, H.R., Pat Vogel, Maurice Alvarado, Dave Brockie, and Ian Svenonius as well as reviews of bands such as Sick Fix, the AKs, Windhand, Mindset, Give, Pentagram, the Feed, Adjustment to Society, Ilsa, the Max Levine Ensemble, the Guilt, Magrudergrind, Body Cop, and Coke Bust. Weighing in at 200 pages and equally divided between show reviews and interviews, "This Was My Night" includes articles and photographs by the likes of John Bradley, Rachel Atcheson, Simon Cohen, David Poole, Allison Acosta, Hussain Mohammed, Nick Candela, David Combs, James Doubek, Hannah Tolker, Chris Suspect, Katie Langer, Diego Aguilar, and James Willett.