Just so people know how awesome Dischord and its listeners are. This person below actually ripped his disc and actually shared the love. And I can listen to "Asteroids" on repeat too. And I have. Too.
@Abraham Hmiel
Well, thanks for bragging about that. Now, since there's no way for me to listen to that record, besides hitting fucking MYSPACE, would you please be kind enough to share the love and make that record available for download?
sanx sweetie
This is one of my favorite records in my whole collection. Justin Moyer gave it to me as a gift for booking a show for Antelope at the University of Delaware in 2007. It's a shame it's out of print and not available for mp3 download, because this is a real treasure. Sounds like equal parts Lungfish and Antelope, yet having a character entirely of its own. "Asteroids" is a song I could listen to 20 times in a row (and trust me, I have!) and not get bored.
Bug bug1 Vertebrates s/t
Vertebrates was Bee Elvy and Mike Andre, who played in Antelope, and Amanda Huron.
Would love to hear this one. Equal parts Lungfish and Antelope sounds AMAZING.