Photo © by Fugazi

4 Additional Photos & flyers

If you have photos from this show write us at fugazilive[at]dischord.com .


By: Jonathan Bloom 10 months ago

My first Fugazi show. A life-changing event. It stands as my favorite live show of all time, bar none.

P.S. Hi Chuck! I see you in the comments. : )

By: Pete Foytho about 11 years ago

Don't remember if this was my first Fugazi show or now but remember helping them bring in their equipment to get the show going! Would love to hear this recording.

By: Charles Buckley over 13 years ago

This was my first and only foray into booking a band. I was music director at UVM’s radio station WRUV at the time. I called Dischord and asked if Fugazi would ever consider playing Burlington, VT. They said that they were playing Rochester and would work it into their tour. The real task was finding a venue to have an all ages show. The local club, Border, didn’t want to do it since it was all ages and they had never heard of them. The only and what turned out to be the best option was 242 Main, aka the Teen Center.
The day of the show I received a call from Ian who said their van had broken down and they would not be there until later in the day. So the doors open and still no Fugazi. Worship takes the stage and plays. Still no Fugazi. Worship finish and I have nothing to say to the crowd of 200+ people jammed into this bunker that is 242 Main. Two minutes later the Fugazi van pulls up. Kids help them load in and they play a great show.
After the show as people clear out, I get the take from the door. We made some money and basically went over the room capacity by a factor of two. 242 Main received $300 from the door and I went to give Ian the rest. I told him the total and gave him the money and he said “No, this is more than what we agreed on. Give the rest to the opening band.” Great people. Great band.

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Fugazi Live Series FLS0144 Fugazi Burlington, VT USA 10/4/1989

Show Date:
 242 Main
Door Price:
Played with:

There is no recording available for this concert. If you have a recording of this show that you would like to share with us please write to [email protected]

Please Note: Available recordings have been mastered to correct for volume shifts, drop outs, etc. but some sonic anomalies will still exist, especially early in the set when the mix is being settled. The band has rated each show for sound quality and set the general price of a download at $5 per show. If you have a different price in mind feel free to utilize the alternative pricing option.