Photo © by John Falls.

-1 Additional Photos & flyers

If you have photos from this show write us at fugazilive[at]dischord.com .


By: JASON DAVEY 14 days ago

I was at that show, and remember it being a good night, but as is often the case, there was one person in the crowd being a dick! I think he was generally being abusive and hitting out at anybody in arms reach! Ian tried his best to reason with him, and even offered him money to stop, not entirely sure how much, possibly £10

By: Linden Dunham over 10 years ago

I was at this show, still remember it fondly as one of the best gigs I've ever been to. Had just moved to Exeter for work and was amazed to see flyers up for Fugazi playing the university. Funny how the mind plays tricks over time, I could have sworn it was early October rather than November!

By: David Fischer about 12 years ago

What is going on at this show? Why are people mad? What happened during Suggestion?

By: Alec B over 13 years ago

You're right! Thanks Paul!

By: paul foster over 13 years ago

this show was in exeter not oxford!!

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Fugazi Live Series FLS0156 Fugazi Exeter, England 11/16/1989

If you had a different price in mind for this download Click Here.
Show Date:
 Exeter University
Door Price:
 3.50 Pounds
Played with:
 Perfect Daze, Mad at the Sun
Recorded by
Original Source:
Sound Quality:
 Poor Good Very Good Excellent
Play Sample Track
1. Intro
2. Brendan #1
3. Greed
4. Interlude 1
5. And The Same
6. Interlude 2
7. Turnover
8. Bad Mouth
9. Bulldog Front
10. Waiting Room
11. Lockdown
12. Interlude 3
13. Shut the Door
14. Interlude 4
15. Burning Too
16. Burning
17. Interlude 5
18. Suggestion
19. Give Me The Cure
20. Encore 1
21. Song #1

Please Note: Available recordings have been mastered to correct for volume shifts, drop outs, etc. but some sonic anomalies will still exist, especially early in the set when the mix is being settled. The band has rated each show for sound quality and set the general price of a download at $5 per show. If you have a different price in mind feel free to utilize the alternative pricing option.