Photo © by John Falls.

-1 Additional Photos & flyers

If you have photos from this show write us at fugazilive[at]dischord.com .


By: Alex Mitrani about 1 year ago

Brendan tells the same story: "In which the boys get a gun pulled on them by wired KC promoters over a ticket surcharge dispute.
listen for the aggro exchanges and the lights being shut off.
Also, soundman gets cigar put out on forehead by same goon." Source: https://tulipfrenzy.com/2011/12/09/brendan-cantys-recommendations-on-some-good-fugazi-shows-to-download/

By: Alex Mitrani about 1 year ago

In the Encore of the 2001 KCMO show (https://dischord.com/fugazi_live_series/kansas-city-mo-usa-41801) Guy tells the story of what happened after this show - briefly, one of the people who was running the venue burned Joey Picuri in the face with a cigar, took his video camera, and pulled a gun on Guy. This must have been a really rough night.

By: Antti V over 3 years ago

Fugazi visits Kansas City for the first time in the middle of the fall 1993 US tour, and they would eventually return to the city once more years later. This is one of the big arena gigs the band played, taking place in Kansas City's Memorial Hall. Also dubbed The Soldiers and Sailors Hall, the venue was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1985, and this marks another occasion on the tour when such a locale was played. Ian opens the show with banter about the band's very understandable frustration with Ticketmaster, and judging by the crowd's roaring response, they weren't alone in the struggle. Soon enough we're taken to the grinding intro of the always engaging Exit Only.

Like to nerd out on Fugazi drums like me? Well, look no further, as here you have one amazing recording in that regard, beautifully showcasing Brendan's kit, especially compared to the era's recordings in general. I would actually call this entry's overall sound borderline excellent as the mix balance is very pleasant, and every element has power and room to shine. The drums sound huge and detailed, the guitars heavy and dynamic, and the vocals cut through nicely. Joe's bass has just enough prominence too. Also, the added soundboard effects work exceptionally well here.

As good as the tape sounds, the first part of the show is quite tedious with all kinds of problems with the venue's security and the rowdy behavior of a few attendees. Merchandise would flow seamlessly to Public Witness Program, but Guy has to stop the riff right away due to Joey Picuri alarming the band to the troubles. Same thing occurs later as And The Same would lead to Rend It, but Ian instead has to implore the local security not to throw people out, all in vain. Don't get me wrong - every song is performed with strength and fervor, but it's a shame that another tremendous Fugazi flow is initially denied this evening.

By: Antti V over 3 years ago


Turnover leads to a long interlude where the houselights are turned on, much to the crowd's disappointment. Ian then jokingly instigates the petition signing hullaballoo mentioned in the show's info, and it's all a pretty funny listen with some half-friendly, back and forth taunting rounding out a lengthy interruption. How it all eventually plays out, you'll have to guess.

23 Beats Off is a perfect continuation of the gig, as the long pause curiously emphasizes the song's unique atmosphere. The performance is highly enjoyable as the band's dynamics come alive in a way that really shows what they can do musically at this point. Ian's spoken verse sounds fantastic, the chords have clarity and weight, and Brendan's chill beats make the loud parts feel all the more explosive. To top this off, the song flows seamlessly into Guy's Two Beats Off, which continues in the same, angular and strong vein.

Thugs cause disorder again and Two Beats Off barely makes it to the end as the horseplay in the audience continues. Both Ian and Guy intervene, and some more, not-so-friendly taunting follows. The band then counters the bullies with a great mid-set flow of classics. Bulldog Front makes a rare tracklist appearance, and gets a fine rendition. This recording really brings out Brendan's ghost notes in the song and it's a pleasure to hear them clearly. And as is oftentimes the case, Suggestion is one huge statement dressed in a spirited rock jam's clothes.

By: Antti V over 3 years ago

The final flow heading to the encore feels a bit underwhelming when Instrument slows things down after a driving Blueprint, as robust the performance is. Cassavettes picks things up with its unique bouncy style, and finally the always massive Reclamation comes to crush the room.

The encore is a lean, mean affair. The band delivers only three tracks, but they are performed with fervor and undeniable strength, and flow together quite nicely. Shut The Door starts out a bit nonchalantly but soon enough assumes the intimidating stomp it's known for. With the clear sound it's a joy to sink into the song's atmosphere. The dissonant guitars in the chorus ring out with a gritty thickness, Brendan's dynamics get a great display, and the terrifying mid-section jam is a pure delight to follow. In contrast to the weight, Sweet and Low once again gives a somber glimmer of hope for the people heading their way.

Another unique entry on a tour most amazing. This recording leaves me with contradictory feelings, as the band can never really go into full flow mode, but on the other hand perform the songs on top of their game. There are wearisome moments due to the era-defining live show adversities, but the very good, steady and balanced sound makes this an easy listen. In a nutshell, you won't go wrong delving into this recording.

By: Nick Leonard over 7 years ago

My brother got his head cut open jumping over the rail that night. I remember it looked like it was planned and no one told me.

By: Jeremy Fowler over 13 years ago

It's been a long time, but Greg is right - folks starting jumping the low balcony rail and security turned on the lights to start sorting the crowd out. I remember after asking for a petition with 300 signatures, one of the members of the band told us to get our own paper. Several songs later, a sign that appeared to have been ripped off of one of the concession stands, as the back read: "NO BEER SALES AFTER 11," started to make its way across the floor. It seems like the fans starting going crazy and got reprimanded by the band for trying to interrupt a guitar solo with the sign. Great moments. Thanks Fugazi. Ian responded to an email I sent later (email back in '94!) saying that someone had stolen a bunch of their stuff from backstage. I was embarrassed for my hometown.

By: Greg Anderson over 13 years ago

I remember this show! It was crazy, everybody in the balcony started swarming over the barriers on to the floor. They ended up having to turn the house lights on...I don't remember the petition but that was a long time ago.

By: kevin stephens over 13 years ago

This is still one of my favorite shows of all time! This was previously released and listen to it all the time!

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Fugazi Live Series FLS0571 Fugazi Kansas City, KS USA 8/28/1993

If you had a different price in mind for this download Click Here.
Show Date:
 Memorial Hall
Door Price:
Played with:
 Poster Children, Tenderloin
Recorded by
 Joey Picuri
Mastered by
Original Source:
Sound Quality:
 Poor Good Very Good Excellent

Listen as the crowd passes up a petition demanding that the lights be turned off!

Previously released on CD (FLS25).

Play Sample Track
1. Intro
2. Exit Only
3. Merchandise
4. Public Witness Program
5. And The Same
6. Rend It
7. Facet Squared
8. Turnover
9. Interlude
10. 23 Beats Off
11. Two Beats Off
12. Waiting Room
13. Bulldog Front
14. Suggestion
15. Interlude-2
16. Blueprint
17. Instrument
18. Cassavetes
19. Reclamation
20. Interlude-3
21. Smallpox Champion
22. Shut The Door
23. Sweet And Low

Please Note: Available recordings have been mastered to correct for volume shifts, drop outs, etc. but some sonic anomalies will still exist, especially early in the set when the mix is being settled. The band has rated each show for sound quality and set the general price of a download at $5 per show. If you have a different price in mind feel free to utilize the alternative pricing option.