Photo © by Photographer Unknown

5 Additional Photos & flyers

If you have photos from this show write us at fugazilive[at]dischord.com .


By: Alex Mitrani 5 months ago

It's definitely not an ideal show but it's still interesting to listen to and a good example of Fugazi problem-solving. The problem-solving happens in interlude 3 so there are 9 songs with interruptions followed by 13 songs with everyone sitting down and few interruptions. They took Bed From the Scraping from the top once everyone was sitting comfortably - everyone except the 'Lone Mosher'.

By: Alex Mitrani 5 months ago

Joe Romano It's definitely not an ideal show but it's still interesting to listen to and a good example of Fugazi problem-solving. The problem-solving happens in interlude 3 so there are 9 songs with interruptions followed by 13 songs with everyone sitting down and few interruptions. They took Bed From the Scraping from the top once everyone was sitting comfortably - everyone except the 'Lone Mosher'.

By: Alex Mitrani almost 2 years ago

Since Gunter commented more shows have been released and there is an earlier performance of Version - the night before this in Mississipi Nights, St. Louis.

By: gunter habets almost 13 years ago

On another note, make sure to check out Version, since the song is premièred right here...

By: gunter habets almost 13 years ago

This show is a frigging drag since the band has to interrupt it every couple of minutes because of some troublesome elements in the audience. Note that Ian does come up with some creative solutions though! And so it goes.. . the story of The Lone Mosher :)

By: John Gregory over 13 years ago

I was at this show. It was my first Fugazi experience and they blew me away. So many great memories of that night. It was a few nights before the Rainbo rollerskating show in Chicago and I was down @ school in Champaign. Someone sold my ticket for the Chicago show, so I got a ticket for Peoria and ditched class to go see Make*Up, not having a strong impression of Fugazi from the records. Turns out, they are great (duh).

Ran into Ian Svenonius after make*Up's set and told him about my ticket getting sold and such. He offered to put me on the list for the rainbo show if I had a ride (which I did), and sure enough, I got into the Chicago show just fine and dandy. Such a nice guy. Didn't need to offer it and I was surprised that he remembered.

Fugazi was incredible. They stopped the show (bed for the scraping) several times because of two idiots and Ian asked everyone to sit down. about 500 people gladly sat on the floor and the two fist-fighting mosh dudes stayed standing, got uncomfortable and left. It was beautiful.

This is the show I think of when I think of Fugazi, even though I've seen them be brilliant maybe seven times after that night.

what a fucking great show.

what a great band.

thanks for that trip down amnesia lane.

Faiz Razi

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Fugazi Live Series FLS0731 Fugazi Peoria, IL USA 10/9/1995

If you had a different price in mind for this download Click Here.
Show Date:
 Expo Gardens
Door Price:
Played with:
 Make Up, Mingus Council
Recorded by
 Joey Picuri
Mastered by
Original Source:
Sound Quality:
 Poor Good Very Good Excellent

Previously released on CD (FLS12).

Play Sample Track
1. Intro
2. Birthday Pony
3. Walken's Syndrome
4. Interlude 1
5. Merchandise
6. Do You Like Me
7. Reclamation
8. Interlude 2
9. Forensic Scene
10. Promises
11. Target
12. Bed For The Scraping
13. Interlude 3
14. Bed For The Scraping (continued)
15. Public Witness Program
16. By You
17. Stacks
18. Blueprint
19. Interlude 4
20. Instrument
21. Waiting Room
22. Margin Walker
23. Song #1
24. Fell, Destroyed
25. Long Distance Runner
26. Version

Please Note: Available recordings have been mastered to correct for volume shifts, drop outs, etc. but some sonic anomalies will still exist, especially early in the set when the mix is being settled. The band has rated each show for sound quality and set the general price of a download at $5 per show. If you have a different price in mind feel free to utilize the alternative pricing option.