Photo © by John Falls.

-1 Additional Photos & flyers

If you have photos from this show write us at fugazilive[at]dischord.com .


By: Alex Mitrani over 1 year ago

I wrote a short article about the song "Polish" that might be of interest: https://alexmitrani.github.io/Repeatr/articles/polish%20with%20a%20small%20p.html

By: David Schweizer over 2 years ago

I was at this show at the UConn Student Union Ballroom. It was my first experience in a mosh pit. When someone fell, they were picked back up. I spent most of my time near the front of the stage, stage left.

By: Sean rogers about 9 years ago

I believe i was in attendance at this show. Maybe at a clubhouse on campus. Can anybody confirm or deny?

By: Eric Litke over 10 years ago

My first Fugazi show: almost two years ( ! ) after buying "Margin Walker" on cassette at Record Express in West Hartford Center and finally getting hip to what my more "avant-garde" friends had discovered earlier. As usual. Memories of the show: too many people crammed in a hot, dark, low-ceilinged student center; Guy and Ian seeming to get pissy with each other (as well as with the audience) ; going to sleep that night with my ears still profoundly ringing.

By: Paul Hajjar almost 11 years ago

My first Fugazi show! Thank you!

By: David Fischer almost 12 years ago


By: gunter habets almost 12 years ago

This can be considered a bit of a turbulent show. For one, the stage is at risk of literally collapsing a number of times and even the ever reticent Joe steps in to talk some sense into the people that keep bumping into it. Also, listen closely as both Guy and Ian confront the audience repeatedly in an effort to manage things.
Also, this particular performance is somewhat rough, since there are several mistakes dotted around and the band seems particularly "disturbed" at times by the many mishappenings that mark the evening. Case in point, Reclamation surprisingly dwindles and is simply cut short by the band in the end.
The sound quality of this recording is not the best, since some of the (essential) guitarplay is hard to discern at times. Plus, note that part is missing of both Suggestion and Margin Walker.
Nevertheless, this is a show I enjoyed listening to, and will return to for several reasons. First and foremost, this recording features the song première of Polish, a rare performance I have been eagerly anticipating. And this version doesn't disappoint and is basically spot-on, from the tricky timing, to the successive tempo and rhythmic shifts that make up the backbone of this tremendous song (note that one of the band members refers to the song as "Steady Diet" right before going into it, which makes me wonder if they actually intended to play Polish). Other than that, I enjoyed the overall feel of the set list (note that Turnover is featured unusually late this time around) and had a blast listening to Guy going off and spitting out his lyrics and related obscenities during Two Beats Off and Sieve-Fisted Find.
So yes, I might suggest you grab this one, and enjoy.

By: gunter habets almost 12 years ago

Thank You Gentlemen. I have some catching up to do, but Thank You.

By: Zachariah Daly almost 12 years ago

A live recording of "Polish" - the white whale!

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Fugazi Live Series FLS0316 Fugazi Storrs, CT USA 3/7/1991

If you had a different price in mind for this download Click Here.
Show Date:
 University of Connecticut
Door Price:
Played with:
 Beat Happening, Nation of Ulysses, Autoclave
Recorded by
 Joey Picuri
Mastered by
 Warren Russell-Smith
Original Source:
Sound Quality:
 Poor Good Very Good Excellent

Polish finally makes its first appearance on the website! Listen as the band contends with a sectional stage coming apart while they play.

Play Sample Track
1. Brendan #1
2. Interlude 1
3. Dear Justice Letter
4. Merchandise
5. Two Beats Off
6. Interlude 2
7. Polish
8. Interlude 3
9. Sieve-Fisted Find
10. Reclamation
11. Interlude 4
12. Shut the Door
13. Exit Only
14. Suggestion
15. Margin Walker
16. Burning Too
17. Interlude 5
18. Latin Roots
19. Styrofoam
20. Turnover
21. Promises
22. Outro

Please Note: Available recordings have been mastered to correct for volume shifts, drop outs, etc. but some sonic anomalies will still exist, especially early in the set when the mix is being settled. The band has rated each show for sound quality and set the general price of a download at $5 per show. If you have a different price in mind feel free to utilize the alternative pricing option.