Photo © by John Falls.

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If you have photos from this show write us at fugazilive[at]dischord.com .


By: Antti V over 3 years ago

Fugazi in Cincinnati, touring the fresh-outta-the-oven In On The Killtaker album. The band played said town four times overall and all of the gigs took place at Bogart's. The usual opening remarks start the recording, and then comes a great show opener in the form of an explosive Walken's Syndrome.

The sound is typical of the era, like a powerful wall of sound that might lack a bit in detail but still shows the band's strength and dynamics quite well. This recording is a bit more muddy than average, but I'd still rate it very good. I speculate the room's own sound characteristics and natural reverb cause at least some of the low end boominess.

The first flow of songs doesn't let up at any point with Latin Roots and Great Cop being the fiery highlights. The quiet verses of Rend It feel very calm and emotional in contrast. Some guitar tuning problems persist for the first part of the show but luckily the strings seem to sit better for the rest of the evening.

In a very cool move the band play both "Beats Off" tracks back to back, and both being personal favorites, I'm not complaining at all. Actually the songs fit perfectly together. And 23 Beats Off is one of the rarest songs on the whole FLS, so a lot of bonus points for that too.

By: Antti V over 3 years ago

A long, groovy Suggestion is a mid-show highlight. Check out the amazing singalong from the crowd. Great stuff! The band do an excellent job creating the atmosphere to contemplate the song's message in, and the collective use of dynamics from the hypnotic mid-section to the final explosion is quite impressive. Smooth segue to Give Me The Cure is icing on the cake. The band seems very pleased with the lively crowd and offer a delightful catering of rockers to close the main set.

In an unusual fashion the encore starts with a very tender rendering of Sweet and Low. Maybe some attendees guessed that the evening would end with everything spent. A very vital Waiting Room makes everyone sing along once more and a massive Glue Man acts as the cathartic finale. The latter is actually another quite rare beast as it was played only five times on the fall 1993 US tour. Special mention should be given to the awesome added effects from the soundboard because they make the already otherwordly performance even more so.

Don't skip this entry for the slightly muddy sound because otherwise it's quite nice and steady throughout. The performances are very strong, the band pulls out a few uncommon setlist items and the crowd is positively bustling for a change. Another great show from a great tour!

By: James Vitatoe over 13 years ago

This is the first Fugazi show I attended. I remember when they started Walken's Syndrome and the room exploded. Never forget meeting them afterwards for the first time. Guy poked his head out the stage door and was asking what was that show about detective brothers ... Mary or I blurted out Simon & Simon and he burst out laughing. Great night. Fond memories.

By: Alec B over 13 years ago

opps, fixed.

By: jason vancleave over 13 years ago

Cincinnati is misspelled in the title

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Fugazi Live Series FLS0566 Fugazi Cincinnati, OH USA 8/22/1993

If you had a different price in mind for this download Click Here.
Show Date:
Door Price:
Played with:
Recorded by
 Joey Picuri
Mastered by
 Jerry Busher
Original Source:
Sound Quality:
 Poor Good Very Good Excellent
Play Sample Track
1. Intro
2. Walken's Syndrome
3. Merchandise
4. Latin Roots
5. Great Cop
6. Rend It
7. Interlude 1
8. 23 Beats Off
9. Two Beats Off
10. Interlude 2
11. Facet Squared
12. Cassavetes
13. Interlude 3
14. Suggestion
15. Give Me The Cure
16. Interlude 4
17. Returning the Screw
18. Smallpox Champion
19. Long Division
20. Blueprint
21. Encore 1
22. Sweet and Low
23. Waiting Room
24. Glueman
25. Outro

Please Note: Available recordings have been mastered to correct for volume shifts, drop outs, etc. but some sonic anomalies will still exist, especially early in the set when the mix is being settled. The band has rated each show for sound quality and set the general price of a download at $5 per show. If you have a different price in mind feel free to utilize the alternative pricing option.