Photo © by John Falls.

-1 Additional Photos & flyers

If you have photos from this show write us at fugazilive[at]dischord.com .


By: Charles Walker about 2 years ago

Yes! Such a great night! Ian had called looking for a show in South Carolina, and my wonderful boss Rick Baty let us use Dance Graphics for the venue. Rick Baty was a leading light in the Columbia creative community. Dance Graphics was a center for advertising, design, dance, tai chi, yoga, and music. As a young designer and editor, I learned a great deal from Rick about creativity and about living a great life. I remember the guys opened up with a new composition: “Reclamation.” Ian and Guy’s guitar tone was sonorous and melodic. He recommended I switch from my Crate solid state head to a tube amp. Years later, Ian told me this was one of his favorite shows. Angie is right: we always got some great food when the boys came to town. They are also the best band houseguests one could ask for. - Chuck Walker, 2023.

By: Alex Mitrani about 2 years ago

Where was Dance Graphics located, does anyone remember? I have been unable to find any record of where it was. Thanks.

By: Angeline Whitworth Pace over 2 years ago

I was at this show! I had just moved to SC from Reno and was working with Bedlam Hour. I always took the guys to a vegetarian restaurant when they came to town which was nice. Chuck Walker worked at Dance Graphics and got the venue! Freaking AMAZING show!

By: Kipp Shives over 7 years ago

Doesn't Chuck Walker have a copy on tape of this somewhere?

By: Dave Linder about 8 years ago

I was at this show and it is and always be one of the most memorable shows of my life. There were less than 50 people there, the band was on the floor at the same level as the peolpe that were there to see them play. Mindblowing.

By: Kipp Shives almost 9 years ago

This show is LEDGEND here in South Carolina. Chuck Walker, Dance Graphics, too bad I was 17 and barely able to get into the Milestone. Wish this was recorded!

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Fugazi Live Series FLS0104 Fugazi Columbia, SC USA 5/2/1989

Show Date:
 Dance Graphics
Door Price:
Played with:
 Bedlam Hour

There is no recording available for this concert. If you have a recording of this show that you would like to share with us please write to [email protected]

Please Note: Available recordings have been mastered to correct for volume shifts, drop outs, etc. but some sonic anomalies will still exist, especially early in the set when the mix is being settled. The band has rated each show for sound quality and set the general price of a download at $5 per show. If you have a different price in mind feel free to utilize the alternative pricing option.