Photo © by J.E. Setzler

2 Additional Photos & flyers

If you have photos from this show write us at fugazilive[at]dischord.com .


By: gunter habets over 9 years ago

After wrapping up a substantial number of dates in Japan, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand, Fugazi played one more gig at the After Dark club in the city of Honolulu, Hawaii before heading back home (it is the second out of three times total Fugazi made an appearance in Honolulu, see also the 1991 and 1996 live archive).

The recording presented here captures this moment in time mid-December, which concluded the 1993 tour. The band would not perform live again until June 1994.

Appropriately, this Honolulu performance is convincing, at times vigorous, the banter on point and incisive, or as Ian reciprocates almost right off the bat, “Fuck me? Sir, fuck you too, you little piece of shit” and “Did you really pay six dollars to come say ‘fuck you’… it’s crazy, it’s ridiculous, but if you did, thank you, here’s six dollars one way or the other. Have a nice time.” And so it goes.

Note that technical difficulties and simpleton obstinance appear to persist for a good part of the show. Quite ingeniously, Ian addresses both issues at the same time at one point, “Check it out, I’m fucking tired of seeing these people getting their heads crushed, stop being little assholes, is that straight up… you know, we don’t exactly go around making a lot of friends, I know that, but I actually don’t really give a fuck. When I see people getting hurt, it stinks, so come up with something new to do, don’t do things because you saw it on TV, do things because you feel it is something thoughtful, you know what I mean, thoughtful, you understand that idea, thoughtful, not television, minds, got it…”, then inviting the antagonist to “show [his] logical process” and to “slam while I tune up.”


By: gunter habets over 9 years ago


As to the quality of the recording, it can be mentioned that the vocals sound slightly distant and that Joe’s bass occasionally is a bit low in the mix. As such, the sound quality definitely could have been better, yet it still pretty much is one of those recordings that demands to get played loud. Once you do, it will immerse you in the experience and will make you feel as if you are actually there, caught up in the thick of it, between the sin and the sweat.

The set includes a total of 21 songs, with no less than 10 songs taken off of the In On The Kill Taker album (only Last Chance for a Slow Dance and the ever elusive 23 Beats Off are missing here), 4 off of Repeater, 2 off of the 7 Songs and Margin Walker EP each, another 2 songs taken from Steady Diet of Nothing and 1 from the 3 Songs seven-inch.

Out of these, I probably most enjoyed And The Same, Turnover, Instrument, Waiting Room, Bulldog Front (dedicated by Guy to “that long-distant day when how big and tough a man is doesn’t dictate how much space he gets to occupy”), Blueprint, the improvised little instrumental leading into Repeater, or Sweet and Low (note a slight cut around 1 minute into the song).

By: gunter habets almost 13 years ago

I am only a couple of songs into this recording, but already love it. Even though the sound quality is only rated 'good', it is one of those recordings that immerses the listener in the experience and makes you feel as if you are actually there, caught up in the thick of it, between the sin and the sweat!

By: Jeremiah Johnson about 13 years ago


After all this time Hawai'i is represented. Nah just joke, you guys (all involved in the editing and production of these A-M-A-Z-I-N-G live shows)have put forth a bevy of beautiful melodies and tracks that represent some of the most beautiful memories and experiences I'll ever have. FUGAZI, the actual band and not the name, is a large part of my perseverance and passion in life - teaching me how important personal expression is as well as believing in something. From deep within my soul MAHALO NUI LOA IA OKOU (thank you!).

It was Chris Kelly, and several of da boyz at this one. My favorite memory is clasping this guys' hand while we danced in the pit, spining in circles and yelling at each other "I can't believe it!"

Jeremiah Aulani Johnson (Mililani High School '96)

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Fugazi Live Series FLS0625 Fugazi Honolulu, HI USA 12/14/1993

If you had a different price in mind for this download Click Here.
Show Date:
 After Dark
Door Price:
Recorded by
 Joey Picuri
Mastered by
 Jerry Busher
Original Source:
Sound Quality:
 Poor Good Very Good Excellent
Play Sample Track
1. Intro
2. Facet Squared
3. Public Witness Program
4. And The Same
5. Turnover
6. Interlude 1
7. Instrument
8. Rend It
9. Styrofoam
10. Runaway Return
11. Interlude 2
12. Reclamation
13. Cassavetes
14. Waiting Room
15. Bulldog Front
16. Song #1
17. Smallpox Champion
18. Returning the Screw
19. Interlude 3
20. Blueprint
21. Great Cop
22. Encore 1
23. Repeater
24. Walken's Syndrome
25. Interlude 4
26. Promises
27. Sweet and Low
28. Outro

Please Note: Available recordings have been mastered to correct for volume shifts, drop outs, etc. but some sonic anomalies will still exist, especially early in the set when the mix is being settled. The band has rated each show for sound quality and set the general price of a download at $5 per show. If you have a different price in mind feel free to utilize the alternative pricing option.