0 Additional Photos & flyers

If you have photos from this show write us at fugazilive[at]dischord.com .


By: Alex Mitrani about 2 years ago

There is a flyer for this show here:

By: gunter habets over 5 years ago

No recording of this show is available. In fact, the recording by the band, and their equipment, were stolen on this occasion. In the December 1, 2011 NPR article “Full Disclosure: Fugazi’s Best Live Moments, Remembered” by Daoud Tyler-Ameen, Guy provides some more insight into what went down,

“There is one show that I wish was in the archive but we don’t have: Nov. 11, 1993, at a place in Perth, Australia called Club O.It was the first show of our 1993 Australian tour, and we did, in fact, scrupulously tape the gig using a brand-new portable DAT machine that we had purchased in the States just prior to leaving. Our sound guy Joey Picuri had hooked it up to the board as per usual and recorded the whole set, only to find at the end of the night that someone had stolen the recorder, with the tape still inside, right off the sound board. It had been a pretty packed room and fairly chaotic, so it wasn’t that surprising that someone had managed to grab the thing and abscond with it. Still, we were a pretty vigilant bunch, and in the history of the band we didn’t get ripped off that often, so each stolen item still feels fresh and raw in my memory. There was a stage monitor in Ohio, and my white Gibson SG Junior in New York City, which also stand out. But that situation in Perth still feels especially galling: The equipment was replaceable, but the tape was one of a kind. Not that the show was super-epic or notably awful — it’s just that it’s like someone tearing a page out of your diary and throwing it in the trash. It’s just wrong.

Anyway, in case the thief in question happens to come upon this piece somehow, let it be known that we are extending a Fugazi-guaranteed amnesty. If the tape is returned to us at Fugazi c/o Dischord Records, 3819 Beecher Street, Washington, D.C. 20007, USA, we won’t report you to the relevant authorities in Perth and there will be no questions asked — that is our promise.”


By: gunter habets over 5 years ago


And in another, related December 1, 2011 article on Pitchfork “Ian MacKaye Talks Fugazi Live Archives, Legacy, Nostalgia, Occupy Musicians” by Brandon Stosuy, there’s some more perspective on this event,

“There are a couple of shows that are maddening, including one in Perth, Australia. It was our first show in Australia and it was the greatest show. The crowd wouldn’t let us leave the stage– we had three encores, and during the last song of the third encore, Joey P. was mixing the show in the jammed club, and he sees a hand come up from behind the sound board and grab the DAT machine and disappear. The guy just ran. I’m hoping that this website will scare that tape out of somebody. It drives me crazy that it’s missing, though I probably would never even listen to it. It’s just that when you see a missing piece it’s like, ‘Oh, just fill it in. Fuck!’”

By: Jeffrey Null over 13 years ago

Do the right thing.

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Fugazi Live Series FLS0605 Fugazi Perth Australia 11/10/1993

Show Date:
 Club O
Played with:
 Veronas, Bucket

DAT Player stolen!! No tape.

There is no recording available for this concert. If you have a recording of this show that you would like to share with us please write to [email protected]

Please Note: Available recordings have been mastered to correct for volume shifts, drop outs, etc. but some sonic anomalies will still exist, especially early in the set when the mix is being settled. The band has rated each show for sound quality and set the general price of a download at $5 per show. If you have a different price in mind feel free to utilize the alternative pricing option.