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By: oscar patterson almost 2 years ago

very good one

By: Antti V about 3 years ago

Fugazi plays Portland, Maine for the third out of the total five times. Portland is the only city they visited in the state, and each gig took place at a different venue. This evening's historic locale is another notable on the tour as it takes place inside a 19th century brick-built warehouse on the waterfront. Portland's 58 Fore was established in 1845 as an industrial complex purpose-built to supply locomotives for the railroads, nowadays significant for the city's tourism industry.

Ian starts out with a long speech about the violent behavior that's been going on during the opening act. The band was becoming increasingly frustrated with such acts and Ian's discourse comes straight from the heart. He even mentioned this show's rowdiness in an interview posted in Hartford Courant soon after.


This recording sounds good, if a bit harsh when turned up. At one point Ian describes the room "stupid loud" and this might cause a certain crudeness. Still, the mix has a nice balance and every element has presence. The overall sound is bright, and ultimately pleasing.

By: Antti V about 3 years ago

The first part of the show has a few issues. The violence seems to stay away, but there's a problem with the stage moving as people shove forwards. This possibly distracts the band at first and the opener Facet Squared suffers from a mess-up. The band push on to energetic numbers nonetheless. Brendan #1 is always a delightful addition and this evening's rendition comes as an early adrenaline rush. The flow is quite good until after Sieve-Fisted Find when another plea from Ian becomes necessary.

Shut The Door is a watershed moment for the show, coming midway in the set. The song is performed with new-found conviction and the mid section feels nightmarish to say the least, fueled by the work at the soundboard. A seamless flow to a sharp Give Me The Cure changes the show's nature to much more kicking. Still, an absolute highlight here is a hypnotic Suggestion. There are some annoying yells from a few battle vikings who try to ruin the awesome, subdued jam in the middle. They are unsuccesful and the performance stays strong until the end.

By: Antti V about 3 years ago

Guy has a great sounding rasp in his voice this evening. It provides tracks like Smallpox Champion and Blueprint an attitude boost, not that either needed any. It's just another positive aspect after the rather difficult start.

Ian has no less mercy on his voice. Returning The Screw has become a tour staple and the song's performances have gotten increasingly powerful. This evening's version is as forceful and dynamic as ever. A special detail to be noted is how exceptionally well Brendan's ghost notes in the song cut through in the mix.

The band comes back for the encore and throw riveting numbers in the ring. Great Cop and Public Witness Program form a fantastic punk rock duo, where both Ian and Guy push themselves to the limit. Maybe it's the mix emphasizing it, but both frontmen seem to have some special grit in their voices this evening. Sweet and Low feels ethereal in contrast. We get some tasteful variations from both guitarists and the soundboard additions work great. Not to diminish the amazing rhythm section. Joe keeps the song's pulse in his anchor-like style and Brendan gets his shining moment in the stunning, extended outro jam. A total show highlight then, once again.

All in all this is a good, recommendable entry from the tour. This showcases the difficulties of the time, and how Fugazi dealt with them. The show takes a while to get off the ground but rocks hard when it does.

By: Mike Fournier almost 13 years ago

This one was inside a boat warehouse.

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Fugazi Live Series FLS0585 Fugazi Portland, ME USA 9/14/1993

If you had a different price in mind for this download Click Here.
Show Date:
 58 Fore St.
Door Price:
Played with:
 Shudder To Think, Vampire Lesbos
Recorded by
 Joey Picuri
Mastered by
 Warren Russell-Smith
Original Source:
Sound Quality:
 Poor Good Very Good Excellent
Play Sample Track
1. Intro
2. Facet Squared
3. Brendan #1
4. Interlude 1
5. Cassavetes
6. And The Same
7. Sieve-Fisted Find
8. Interlude 2
9. Instrument
10. Rend It
11. Shut The Door
12. Give Me The Cure
13. Suggestion
14. Interlude 3
15. Smallpox Champion
16. Returning The Screw
17. Interlude 4
18. Blueprint
19. Reclamation
20. Encore
21. Great Cop
22. Public Witness Program
23. Long Division
24. Two Beats Off
25. Sweet and Low
26. Outro

Please Note: Available recordings have been mastered to correct for volume shifts, drop outs, etc. but some sonic anomalies will still exist, especially early in the set when the mix is being settled. The band has rated each show for sound quality and set the general price of a download at $5 per show. If you have a different price in mind feel free to utilize the alternative pricing option.