3 Additional Photos & flyers

If you have photos from this show write us at fugazilive[at]dischord.com .


By: Alex Mitrani almost 2 years ago

Track 8, 'Latin Roots', is missing from the download.

By: Ryan C Arnold almost 5 years ago

Here you go, from 7 months later.


By: Aaron Dunnell over 5 years ago

This is a long shot, but does a recording of the Nation set exist?

By: gunter habets about 9 years ago

As noted earlier, Fugazi played the Sacred Heart Church Hall in D.C. four times over the years, with three of these occasions taking place in 1991. This is the first of these recordings, a concert put together by Positive Force following the collapse of the Latino Investment Corporation - “a ‘bank’, kind of, that was set up for El Salvadoran immigrants and El Salvadoran people” - in an attempt to benefit the needs of “a lot of people who were working and saving up their money to send home to their families who put their money into this Latino Investment Corporation, as it turned out it wasn’t really a bank, and it wasn’t really insured, it wasn’t anything, and one day it was gone, and so was all their money.”

And as if this wasn’t enough of a predicament, these events happened “right before Christmas, the same week a huge apartment building on Columbia road which is just down the street which also happens to be the home of a lot of the people who had their money in that bank was evicted by the D.C. government because the landlord who was running the place didn’t seem to think that it was important enough to keep fit for humans to live in.”


By: gunter habets about 9 years ago


By now, Fugazi drew a steady, abundant and enthusiastic following, especially for such hometown gigs. This recording reflects these dynamics as participants sing along at the top of their lungs, crowding the venue floor and stage, swaying, jumping and dancing the night away (see video referred to below).

As such, this performance is passionate and fierce in my book. Never mind the band is out of tune occassionally, missing a chord or beat here and there, as it portrays and adds to the authenticity of the experience and the emotional outbursts of the moment.

A suitable and fierce rendering of Greed early on sets the pace. After a short yet entertaining respite during which Ian addresses the issue of a couple of lost shoes, Guy adds a new intro to Two Beats Off, taken from the Jam’s The Place That I Love, inviting his listeners to “take a stand against the world.”

Merchandise follows suit and is introduces as a song “about the real power, the real control that each of us possess.” Sieve-Fisted Find ups the ante some more, especially since Guy significantly alters the lyrics to the driving staple, adding lines to his heart’s content, including “I said it was true, I fuck like Marilyn Monroe”, a returning yet no less cryptic feat.

A stretch of debut album classics then really lights the gig up mid-set as the band bursts through Burning, Bad Mouth and another memorable rendering of Suggestion (with Amy Pickering from Fire Party on guest vocals), before delivering great sounding versions of Long Division into Blueprint to boot.


By: gunter habets about 9 years ago


While striking up his signature opening chords, Ian then introduces KYEO by adding, “this next song is dedicated to the situation that we all face, as you may or may not have noticed, there is a war in the Middle East, as you may or may not have noticed, there is a war in this country too.”

A thunderous, steamrolling version of Reprovisional is served up as a most suitable finale. The set climaxes with an ominous feedback jam, while Ian staunchly intones, “they flew one thousand sorties today” over and over, a reference to the merciless US bombardment of Iraq at the time, before concluding with a piercing scream as the instrumentation abruptly cuts off.

The audio quality of the recording is most definitely engaging overall, although the lower frequencies dominate most of the performance and Joe’s bass occasionally sounds muddled, causing a rumbling.

The recording includes a total of 18 songs. Most of these, 8 songs, would be officially released through the Steady Diet of Nothing album later that year. The set further presents 7 songs taken off of the Repeater album, as well as (the aforementioned) 3 songs from the debut 7 Songs EP.

Even though footage of the gig in its entirety is rumored to exist, I have not been able to find it thus far. Footage of a number of separate songs is readily available through YouTube however, as is a video which picks up around interlude 3, right before Stacks (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWphJ6xWswA&feature=youtu.be)

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Fugazi Live Series FLS0309 Fugazi Washington, DC USA 2/15/1991

If you had a different price in mind for this download Click Here.
Show Date:
 Sacred Heart Church Hall
Door Price:
Played with:
 Nation of Ulysses, Admiral
Recorded by
 Joey Picuri
Mastered by
 Warren Russell-Smith
Original Source:
Sound Quality:
 Poor Good Very Good Excellent

Benefit for Salvadoran Bank Collapse

Amy Pickering sings Suggestion

Play Sample Track
1. Opening Remarks
2. Dear Justice Letter
3. Greed
4. Interlude 1
5. Two Beats Off
6. Merchandise
7. Interlude 2
8. Latin Roots
9. Interlude 3
10. Stacks
11. Sieve-Fisted Find
12. Reclamation
13. Interlude 4
14. Burning
15. Bad Mouth
16. Suggestion
17. Long Division
18. Blueprint
19. KYEO
20. Encore
21. Runaway Return
22. Exit Only
23. Repeater
24. Reprovisional
25. Outro

Please Note: Available recordings have been mastered to correct for volume shifts, drop outs, etc. but some sonic anomalies will still exist, especially early in the set when the mix is being settled. The band has rated each show for sound quality and set the general price of a download at $5 per show. If you have a different price in mind feel free to utilize the alternative pricing option.