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By: Antti V over 3 years ago

The band is at the early stages of the epic 1993 tour schedule here. We get some good-humoured soundcheck hey-hey's, a little opening remark, and the show opens with a rocking Reprovisional.

The sound is a bit thin as Joe's bass tends to drown out. Overall this recording is very good, and quite typical of this era, as the band's unified power and energy comes through.

The band push on with fast rockers. Afterwards a highlight for me is an early representation of Rend It, which gets a strong and explosive performance.

I really like how on these older recordings you can hear the shouts from the crowd between songs really well. It kind of makes you feel like you are there. This is good since there's some quite funny and over the top confrontation regarding Ian's guitar troubles. After the banter we get another highlight in the form of a fiery Long Division. The band is in a high energy mode, and it gives the song a curiously funky and fast-paced edge.

Explosive performances continue with an angry Bulldog Front, and Waiting Room. You can hear the singalong from the crowd pretty well on this tape, especially on the old classic tracks. The atmosphere in the room is excited and enthusiastic, and the crowd welcomes still unreleased tracks, such as a muscular Instrument, with delight too. Another goosebumps-inducing singalong is a huge, slow Shut The Door.

The band pumps out Facet Squared as the first encore, and I can only imagine how cool it was to hear that rocking bassline under the beeping feedback live for the first time.

The setlist felt to me like it just flew by, as everything was played at full force. I'm sure the enthusiastic crowd was left hungry for more. All in all this is another classic tape from the interesting era where the band was on it's way to arguably their biggest album so far. They are clearly excited to present new material, and it's great to hear such a welcoming crowd.

By: David Hause over 13 years ago

Shudder to Think played a fantastic show too this night.

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Fugazi Live Series FLS0493 Fugazi Wilmington, NC USA 2/6/1993

If you had a different price in mind for this download Click Here.
Show Date:
 Jacob's Run
Door Price:
Played with:
 Shudder to Think, Slant 6, Wretched Son
Recorded by
 Joey Picuri
Mastered by
 Jerry Busher
Original Source:
Sound Quality:
 Poor Good Very Good Excellent
Play Sample Track
1. Intro
2. Reprovisional
3. Great Cop
4. Interlude 1
5. Sieve-Fisted Find
6. Styrofoam
7. Interlude 2
8. Rend It
9. Interlude 3
10. Long Division
11. Blueprint
12. Interlude 4
13. Instrument
14. Interlude 5
15. Bulldog Front
16. Waiting Room
17. Interlude 6
18. Walken's Syndrome
19. Merchandise
20. Two Beats Off
21. Interlude 7
22. Shut the Door
23. Interlude 8
24. Facet Squared
25. Dear Justice Letter
26. Reclamation
27. Outro

Please Note: Available recordings have been mastered to correct for volume shifts, drop outs, etc. but some sonic anomalies will still exist, especially early in the set when the mix is being settled. The band has rated each show for sound quality and set the general price of a download at $5 per show. If you have a different price in mind feel free to utilize the alternative pricing option.