Photo © by John Falls.

-1 Additional Photos & flyers

If you have photos from this show write us at fugazilive[at]dischord.com .


By: Antti V about 3 years ago

Second show of the spring 1993 tour finds Fugazi in Charlottesville, Virginia. Trax, the evening's venue, was a regular tour stop for bands in the city. Originally opened in 1982, Trax changed names a couple of times later, and was finally demolished in 2000's to make way for the University of Virginia Medical Center. Fugazi would eventually return to play another show in the Trax a few years before their hiatus.

The recording starts out sounding very good right away, and is steady throughout. The sound is powerful, wide and in your face. The balance is great, leaving only the only minor wish for a bit more presence on Joe's bass. The added reverbs from the soundboard sound a tad off on this tape, but luckily they are used scarcely.

The show starts with some hero yelling "fuck you" to Ian at the end of his opening remarks, and he responds in a great manner. Let's see if this indicates a tumultuous evening...

Joe #1 rocks the house straight off the bat and the band sounds really tight. A surprising transition to the groove of Stacks works splendidly, and gives the show a relaxed, but rocking atmosphere.

The band gets into a nice flow and the excitement grows. First of the show's highlights is the fantastic row of tracks all the way from Rend It to Walken's Syndrome. Exit Only is bouncy and danceable. Reclamation finds Ian at his most powerful, culminating in the exceptionally crushing outro. Really, really good stuff.

By: Antti V about 3 years ago

Great Cop gets a fun introduction, and the performance is in flames to put it mildly. At this point the band has the song down right to their spines and it can be easily heard in the strong performance.

Another highlight is the row of classics starting with Give Me the Cure. Song #1 rocks delightfully, and the singalong of Waiting Room is the pinnacle of this part of the recording. By now it feels as any animosity has disappeared, and the show is allowed to flow smoothly.

To end the main set the band showcases two new tracks from the then still upcoming In On The Killtaker album. Smallpox Champion must have left the listeners stunned with its driving feel and the amazing release of the outro. Instrument on the other hand sounds really heavy, and equally confident. The band has been practicing and playing the new songs live for quite a while at this point, and it shows in the superbly tight execution.

By: Antti V about 3 years ago

Long Division gets a huge cheer from the crowd as the first encore. Brendan puts his best groovemaster pants on and the performance is easily one of this entry's best. Repeater rocks the house as the finale, and squeezes all the sweat that's left out of the band and the audience. There must have been many pleased attendees as multiple requests for the song can be heard earlier.

So, what we have here is an excellent entry with fiery energy all the way through. Ian mentions the band having had some heavenly pasta for dinner earlier, and maybe that's one of the secret ingredients? Who knows. With the tight musicianship, flows, and the powerful and steady quality of the recording this is a very easy tape to recommend.

By: Andrew Necci about 13 years ago

This was pretty much my first hardcore show--I'd been to the same venue a year earlier to see Dinosaur Jr and My Bloody Valentine, but that was it. I was a senior in high school at the time, and drove down with two friends who were both a couple of years younger. The whole thing seems kind of like a blur to me now but it made a really big impression on me. I remembered Ian's banter with an audience member about the song "Great Cop" (track 12) as being much harsher than it actually was. The performance of "Promises" particularly knocked me out at the time, as did Guy's a capella vocals at the beginning of "Rend It." I wrote down the set list to the best of my memory when I got home that night. When I found In On The Kill Taker at a store a few weeks later, I was overjoyed at the opportunity to figure out what the new songs they'd played were called so I could fill in the gaps.

This night was seriously a pivotal moment in my personal history. Thank you for this.

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Fugazi Live Series FLS0510 Fugazi Charlottesville, VA USA 4/4/1993

If you had a different price in mind for this download Click Here.
Show Date:
Door Price:
Played with:
Recorded by
 Joey Picuri
Mastered by
 Jerry Busher
Original Source:
Sound Quality:
 Poor Good Very Good Excellent
Play Sample Track
1. Intro
2. Joe #1
3. Stacks
4. Sieve-Fisted Find
5. Greed
6. Interlude 1
7. Rend It
8. Facet Squared
9. Exit Only
10. Reclamation
11. Walken's Syndrome
12. Interlude 2
13. Great Cop
14. Turnover
15. Promises
16. Blueprint
17. Interlude 3
18. Give Me The Cure
19. Song #1
20. Margin Walker
21. Waiting Room
22. Interlude 4
23. Smallpox Champion
24. Interlude 5
25. Instrument
26. Encore 1
27. Long Division
28. Runaway Return
29. Repeater
30. Outro

Please Note: Available recordings have been mastered to correct for volume shifts, drop outs, etc. but some sonic anomalies will still exist, especially early in the set when the mix is being settled. The band has rated each show for sound quality and set the general price of a download at $5 per show. If you have a different price in mind feel free to utilize the alternative pricing option.