Photo © by Grant La Rouche

2 Additional Photos & flyers

If you have photos from this show write us at fugazilive[at]dischord.com .


By: Stijn De Cauwer about 8 years ago

I went to this show when I was still in high school. So cool to find it here and to be able to listen to it again. Thanks a lot!

By: gunter habets about 11 years ago

Out of several Fugazi shows I was fortunate enough to attend throughout the years, this particular night in Gent always stood out the most for me personally. Yet, come to think of it, with the exception of a couple of songs, the band being in an upbeat mood, my significant other at the time and my ears ringing for weeks on end afterwards, my memories of the event have pretty much been sparse.
Going through the set list and listening to the recording again and again now, I still do not recollect most of it. If anything, the set list is a bit of a surprise to me, since it draws mainly from the Red Medicine album (which makes sense because this was the tour in support of that album), with unfortunately only a handful of songs from the preceding albums (that I tend to favour) thrown in.
As to the performance, it can be noted that Ian tries to engage with the audience right off the bat, which unfortunately doesn't result in anything, aside from a gratuitous insult. And so the band starts to play and sets an energetic pace with Sieve-Fisted Find into Merchandise (dedicated appropriately to some bootleggers trying to sell Fugazi T-shirts outside the venue).

By: gunter habets about 11 years ago

In what I consider a somewhat bizarre move, the band then takes it down a couple of notches with Latest Disgrace. Bed For The Scraping again picks up the pace of things (notice the longer than usual intro), followed by Turnover, which is the first song that steps it up for me personally and lights this show up. Stacks cashes in on the momentum and makes for a great combination.
Rend It is another odd choice at this point in my book, since it seems to hinder the pace of things once more. The proverbial ebb and flood continues with Birthday Pony into Do You Like Me into By You, and it is not until after Interlude 2 that the flow of things seems to balance out. One thing I do remember clearly is the band breaking out some of their powerhouse songs with Guy gradually going berserk, crawling on all fours during Margin Walker, and the audience (at least up front) going buck wild, which continued all through Song #1.

By: gunter habets about 11 years ago

More greatness is up next, with a tremendous version of Instrument, a solid rendition of Forensic Scene and the well oiled combo Long Division into a striking performance of Blueprint (notice how at one point the guitars reverberate beautifully off the venue walls). Encore 1 definitely delivers, with Long Distance Runner (dedicated to Guy's sister because of her birthday), Target and Repeater.
The band hits one last time with a couple more songs, and in a generous mood includes a mesmerising rendition of Last Chance for a Slow Dance (a song I was hoping to hear live and was fortunate enough to get), which hadn't been played live for a while as Guy points out (since August 27, 1994 in Curitiba, Brazil). Reclamation is featured unusually late in the set list, and the reticent, at times almost ethereal Fell, Destroyed makes for a suitable show closer (stick around for the Outro since it features Attitude by the Bad Brains).
It is really really great to have these recordings to brush away the cobwebs, to be able to revisit times, places and events that meant a great deal to me and most definitely shaped me as a person. Once again, I thank you for that.

By: gunter habets about 11 years ago


By: gunter habets almost 13 years ago

Also, I am pretty sure Kosjer D opened before the Fugazi show. Please make this recording available since I remember it most fondly as my favorite Fugazi live show. Although I have to admit my ears were ringing for weeks on end after it :)

By: Fugazi Live Series almost 13 years ago

hello gunter. thanks for the help with the venue name. the fix is in. - FLS

By: gunter habets almost 13 years ago

the venue is actually called: Zaal Vooruit. i remember this as an awesome show with the band going all-out that night!!!

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Fugazi Live Series FLS0667 Fugazi Gent, Belgium 5/19/1995

If you had a different price in mind for this download Click Here.
Show Date:
 Zaal Vooruit
Played with:
 Kosjer D
Recorded by
 Joey Picuri
Mastered by
 Warren Russell-Smith
Original Source:
Sound Quality:
 Poor Good Very Good Excellent
Play Sample Track
1. Intro
2. Sieve-Fisted Find
3. Merchandise
4. Interlude 1
5. Latest Disgrace
6. Bed For The Scraping
7. Turnover
8. Stacks
9. Rend It
10. Birthday Pony
11. Do You Like Me
12. By You
13. Interlude 2
14. Waiting Room
15. Margin Walker
16. Song #1
17. Interlude 3
18. Cassavetes
19. Instrument
20. Forensic Scene
21. Long Division
22. Blueprint
23. Encore 1
24. Long Distance Runner
25. Target
26. Repeater
27. Encore 2
28. Last Chance for a Slow Dance
29. Reclamation
30. Fell, Destroyed
31. Outro

Please Note: Available recordings have been mastered to correct for volume shifts, drop outs, etc. but some sonic anomalies will still exist, especially early in the set when the mix is being settled. The band has rated each show for sound quality and set the general price of a download at $5 per show. If you have a different price in mind feel free to utilize the alternative pricing option.