Stuff We Sell


By: David Brown over 4 years ago

Still waiting patiently for Armageddon.

By: Will Von Holck about 6 years ago

I remember being friends with Craig Bowen when he recorded this. I begged him to let me hear some of it but he wouldn't out of respect to the band. Craig is a talented great guy!

By: Matthew Horne almost 13 years ago

I'm confused as to whether "Infinite Daybreak" is really a different version. The song is the same length, and in the "NECROPHONES" liner notes, it says that "Infinite Daybreak" was recorded at ACR. So, what's the deal? Is the song repeated, same mix? Different mix, same take? Different take?

By: Matthew Bokovoy almost 13 years ago

I thought the review of ACR1999 in Pitchfork by Marc Masters was kinda dinky, since I also really like how Necrophones was mixed and mastered. The two albums simply sound different and are governed by two different concepts. But that's Pitchfork for you, they ride the fence for corporate music too often.

By: Sebastian Pila almost 13 years ago

Magnificent, resplendent & amazing!

By: Matthew Bokovoy almost 13 years ago

I like this album very much, especially viewing how it was mixed and mastered by scoping the frequencies. Very unique!

By: Jason R Nelson almost 13 years ago

Beautiful, Powerful, Amazing!

By: David Brown almost 13 years ago

I really hope this isn't the last we have heard of Lungfish. This record was a pleasant surprise. It's been a long time since Feral Hymns.

By: Erich J Mazon almost 13 years ago


By: Mark Pino about 13 years ago

Love that cover! Really looking forward to hearing this LP!

By: Eric Trout about 13 years ago

Anne, you aren't the only one hoping the "A" stands for Armageddon. I suspect we'll never see a proper release, but we might as well hope. An absolute killer tune!

By: Anne Pasco about 13 years ago

"armageddon", finally?

By: Robert Shank-Davey about 13 years ago

finally another offering to the Lungfish on High! Amen! Amen! Amen!

By: Daring Hawk about 13 years ago

I am very anxious about this one. Lemme know when I can pre-order the vinyl.

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Dischord 174 Lungfish A.C.R. 1999

These 10-songs were recorded and mixed by Craig Bowen at Baltimore’s A.C.R. Studios but never released. After the session the band decided to continue writing new songs. Six of these songs were re-recorded at Inner Ear Studios and released on Necrophones, while four others remained unreleased, until now. Released in 2012.
This version of the LP is on Metallic Silver.

Daniel Higgs vocals
Asa Osborne guitar
Nathan Bell bass
Mitchell Feldstein drums

1. Eternal Nightfall (version)
2. Symbiosis
3. Screams Of Joy
4. Occult Vibrations (version)
5. I Will Walk Between You
6. Aesop
7. Sex War (version)
8. Infinite Daybreak (version)
9. Hanging Bird (version)
10. Shapes In Space (version)
Recorded At