Bikini Kill Records BK003 Bikini Kill Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
This is a reissue of Bikini Kill’s second EP, Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah.
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah was recorded in 1992 with Tim Green (Nation of Ulysses) at The Embassy ‒ a group-house in Washington, D.C. ‒ and was the first Bikini Kill release to feature the band’s song, “Rebel Girl.” Originally a split EP with the Brighton, UK-based band, Huggy Bear, the b-side now features seven previously unreleased Bikini Kill songs drawn from era-appropriate live shows and practice tapes. The artwork has also been updated to include archival photos and liner notes from the Bratmobile’s Erin Smith, Comet Gain’s David Feck, and the members of Bikini Kill. Includes a complimentary Mp3 download code.
1. White Boy |
2. This is Not a Test |
3. Don't Need You |
4. Jigsaw Youth |
5. Resist Psychic Death |
6. Rebel Girl |
7. Outta Me |
8. George Bush is a Pig |
9. I Busted in Your Chevy Window |
10. Get Out |
11. Why |
12. Fuck Twin Peaks |
13. Girl Soldier |
14. Not Right Now |