Lost Origin LOMTP Evan Keeling Mount Pleasant Skulkers
Evan Keeling - Mount Pleasant Skulkers BOOK Limited Stock: 3 Available
Skulkers, were I mean it was just an activity basically and I think all you had to do was get an old moped and ride around on it... that's really what skulking was.
I would think that Steve Gamboa probably started the moped trend. For a little while there was you know maybe 10 people or so with mopeds in Mount Pleasant. It was a big deal… it was just fun zooming around.
What was really hard was keeping them, because kids will steal them no matter what. It's impossible to safeguard the things. There were constantly these big, you know kerfuffles, when somebody realized “Oh my god all the mopeds got stolen.” Then we have to go search… or going down the alley behind Pirate House and finding I think two people’s mopeds that we knew that were stuffed under somebody's back porch. I think that's all it was, these were really young kids in the neighborhood who were trying to steal something. They couldn't figure out how to make it go fast enough, so then they would just stash the evidence you know so that maybe they can come back to it later.
Hand-bound blank journal
Approximately 200 pgs.
Part of a series of paintings in a vintage paperback book cover style based on Evan Keeling’s research into the history of the DC punk scene. Imitating a variety of vintage illustration and cover styles the back cover has the quote from Evan’s interviews that informed the cover illustration.
Cover text:
The Mount Pleasant Skulkers
Let’s talk about the Skulkers for a second!
Skulkers, were I mean it was just an activity basically and I think all you had to do was get an old moped and ride around on it... that's really what skulking was.
I would think that Steve Gamboa probably started the moped trend. For a little while there was you know maybe 10 people or so with mopeds in Mount Pleasant. It was a big deal… it was just fun zooming around.
What was really hard was keeping them, because kids will steal them no matter what. It's impossible to safeguard the things. There were constantly these big, you know kerfuffles, when somebody realized “Oh my god all the mopeds got stolen.” Then we have to go search… or going down the alley behind Pirate House and finding I think two people’s mopeds that we knew that were stuffed under somebody's back porch. I think that's all it was, these were really young kids in the neighborhood who were trying to steal something. They couldn't figure out how to make it go fast enough, so then they would just stash the evidence you know so that maybe they can come back to it later.
-Alec MacKaye