Magic Bullet mb087 Aughra Mosh Patrol Is There Anyone Else...
- Aughra
- Brent Eyestone
- Mosh Patrol
- Chris King
- 12
- songs
- Recorded:
- Summer 2006
- Released:
- January 2007
The ambient/avant monikers for Brent Eyestone (FORENSICS) and Chris King (THIS WILL DESTROY YOU), AUGHRA and MOSH PATROL (respectively) can both be described as the glorious head-on collision between our digital "sophistication" and our primordial longings. Massive aural soundscapes and delicate, contemplative melodies permeate this split collaboration, eliciting trance-like introspection upon repeated listening. Packed with mysteries, chills, and other elements that draw a universal nostalgia from within the listener, AUGHRA and MOSH PATROL will sink into your bones and stay put. If you're looking for a disc to paint your mental canvas over the long hard winter, seek no further.
- Always Oversleeps
- Dog Years
- A Bluff Carried More Resolutely Through To The Final Limit
- Courage & Courtesy
- Lullaby
- I Love You, Please Come Back
- The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same
- Paper Airplanes
- I’m Going To Sleep On It
- Leave The Lights On
- One Day We Will Grow Old And Forget The Things We Had When We Were Young
- Recorded at
- Home in Fredericksburg, VA and Austin, TX
- Produced by
- Brent Eyestone and Chris King