Superbad sb10 Aina Bipartite
Aina hail from Barcelona, Spain and play beautiful, inspiring, melodic punk rock with a nod to Jawbox and a not so subtle infatuation with AC/DC. "Bipartite" is their 3rd CD (following a full-length and a singles compilation) and was originally released on their home Catalonian label, BCore Disc in 2001.
"Bipartite" was recorded at Inner Ear in Arlington, VA with J. Robbins in the Summer of 2001. J. then took them on tour for two weeks with Burning Airlines where they were enthusiastically embraced by American audiences. Superbad released the American version of this record to coincide with a Dusters/Aina USA tour in November 2002 that included dates with their other European touring brothers, Shiner and Engine Down.