Stuff We Sell


By: Kemp Herbster over 12 years ago

One of the great Dischord releases! A total crime we did not get anymore material from this band...

By: Tomas Cardenas about 14 years ago

My name is tomas and i endorse this album.

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Dischord 041 Fidelity Jones Piltdown Lad

The debut EP by Fidelity Jones. Released in 1989.

Tomas Squip Jones vocals
Andy Charneco guitar
Dug E. Bird bass
Jerry Busher drums

1. The Emperors'
2. He Lives
3. Where Are We Now
4. Fountain of Youth
5. Feeling the Screw
6. Force of Evil Plans
Recorded At
Inner Ear
Produced By
Andy & Fidelity Jones