Stuff We Sell

A Call for Help: J, Janet & Cal Robbins


As many of you have now heard J and Janet from Channels have a very sick baby boy
As many of you have now heard J and Janet from Channels have a very sick baby boy. Their son, Callum, was born with a genetic motor neuron disease called Type 1 SMA, or Spinal Muscular Atrophy. This is a serious disease that has no cure. In response to the many people who have asked how they can help, their friends and ex-Jawbox bandmates Kim Coletta and Bill Barbot, have set up a page on their Desoto Records website where people can find more information about Cal's condition and donate to his treatment fund. Obviously this is a painful time but your thoughts and best wishes go a long way.

Ryan Nelson Drawings at Transformer, Dec. 16 - Jan 20


Ryan Nelson, who many of you know through both his artwork for, and musicianship in, Soccer Team, Beauty Pill and Most Secret Method, will be exhibiting ink drawings at Transformer Gallery in Washington, DC from Dec 16 until Jan 20
Ryan Nelson, who many of you know through both his artwork for, and musicianship in, Soccer Team, Beauty Pill and Most Secret Method, will be exhibiting ink drawings at Transformer Gallery in Washington, DC from Dec 16 until Jan 20.
OPENING RECEPTION: Saturday, December 16, 2006, 7 to 9pm
ARTIST TALK: Wednesday, December 20, 2006, 6 pm
EXHIBITION HOURS: Wednesday thru Saturday, 1 to 7pm and by appointment

Dischord comings and goings


Michael Fussell, our longtime production manager, headed back to his home principality of Wales at the end of November and Ryan Nelson, who many of you know from our mail-order department, is leaving at the end of the year to go back to school
Michael Fussell, our longtime production manager, headed back to his home principality of Wales at the end of November and Ryan Nelson, who many of you know from our mail-order department, is leaving at the end of the year to go back to school. Michael will continue working with Dischord as a freelance consultant but the boys will be missed around the office. Basla Andolsun, who has been assisting Ryan with web-orders, will take over full-time once Ryan departs. Andy Gale, from the band Haram, has also been brought aboard as we reshuffle the deck and look to the future.

Joe Lally in US, Europe and Japan


Joe will be touring in the midwest United States in January with Zu and Capillary Action
Joe will be touring in the midwest United States in January with Zu and Capillary Action. He'll then be headed to Europe in February and then to Japan. He will be joined by Massimo from Zu on all these dates. Check out the tour section for complete details as they are posted.

New (lower) DVD prices!


DVDs are cheaper to manufacture these days so we've lowered the price from $18.00 to $16.00 post paid
DVDs are cheaper to manufacture these days so we've lowered the price from $18.00 to $16.00 post paid. The Fugazi, "Instrument" DVD also has nice new packaging to go along with it's new lower price.

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