Stuff We Sell

Coriky S/T release date delayed


Owing to the closure of distributors and shops, we’ve decided to postpone the Coriky - S/T release date.

We will post the new release date as soon as we are able to establish it. Thanks for your trust and patience.


By: paul hickey almost 5 years ago

bummed about the lp delay, but you're doing the right thing. i hope everyone is feeling well and following all of the medical advice coming from the trusted scientific community. now, being selfish i would love a digital download. after missing the messthetics at the ottobar, and getting locked down at home, i think a few songs for those of us that preordered the album would be a great distraction from this episode of the twilight zone that we all find ourselves in. like i said before, the most important thing is to stay home, safe, and healthy.

By: Edwin Mobley almost 5 years ago

Yeah man the digital album would be sweet

By: Steve Hiscock almost 5 years ago

Oh download maybe ;-)

By: Pascal Wiens almost 5 years ago

Yes, please release the digital version...
Best wishes & thank you

By: Sandy Urbanc almost 5 years ago

Couldn't you release the Digital version for now and the records be sent at a later date? I have been saying all week that at least we will have the Coriky album to help lift our spirits.

Or at lease let us have another song for the time being?

Please and thank you!

By: David Fischer about 5 years ago

Give me the cure!

By: Edwin Mobley about 5 years ago

Love you guys
Be safe

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