Stuff We Sell

New Releases from Other Labels


Over the last few weeks, we’ve picked up another batch of new records from other labels.
Here’s the list:

From Windian:
Spider FeverSelf-Titled LP
The PenetratorsTeenage Lifestyle
BizarrosComplete Collection 1976 – 1980

From Chapeau:
The John FrancisVoyage of the Daring Cornelia

From Magic Bullet:
Ancient VVisdomA Godlike Inferno

From Grave Mistake:
Sectarian ViolenceSelf-Titled 7 Inch

From M’Lady Records:
Grass Widow/NatureSplit 7 Inch
Brute HeartFever 7 Inch
Julianna BarwickSanguine

Song Recommendations


Considering today’s date, I suppose some sort of song recommendations are in order ...
Side B of Shudder to Think’s Hit Liquor 7 inch comes to mind. Another great B-side from Dischord #61.5 features a song with a similar theme (but you’ll really have to do some digging to find that one). Then of course there’s the more obvious choice from Red Medicine (song #4) – a song I first heard at this show, which took place in a packed living room (seriously, if you have a tape or any photos from that show, do not hesitate to send a message to

Thanks to everyone who sent a birthday shout-out today. We’ll pass ‘em along.

If I’ve forgotten any obvious song recommendations, feel free to chime in down in the comments section.


The Old 9:30, Wilson Center, and Susie Horgan’s <em><a href="">Punk Love</a></em>


While flipping through Susie Horgan’s Punk Love today, I spotted a photo of a bunch of punks hanging out in the long hallway of the old 9:30. And even though the photo was taken prior to my entrance into DC’s punk scene (I was only 7 when the photo was taken), this particular shot stood out as a visceral memory for me. Between ‘88 and ‘95 I certainly had my share of frequent hangout time in that same hallway, and I was immediately flooded with memories from a slew of transformative shows I saw during my high school years: 7 Seconds, Marginal Man, Shudder to Think, All (whose set consisted of mostly Descendents songs), Soulside, Ulysses, The Grifters, Slant 6, KMD, Fugazi , Rocket from the Crypt, PJ Harvey on her first US tour, etc. This one photo also made me remember the smell of that club. For anyone who’s been there, you know the smell I’m talking about – it was a unique and pungent aroma that would kick you squarely in the nostrils as soon as the door opened on F Street; it would seep into every fiber of your clothes, burrow down into your pores, and remain present the following day while suffering through Geometry class. Everyone knew you went to a show the night before, partly because of the odor, but mainly because of the massive/blurred skeleton stamp draped across the back of your hand.

A few pages later, I was struck by another photo – an image of a similar gathering of punk kids hanging out on
the steps in front of Wilson Center. And again, even though I wasn’t there when the photo was taken, I have my own associative memories from those same steps (most notably, this show).

The draw toward digging through record bins, going to shows, helping to set up shows, being a part of an audience, and even performing in bands, had/has everything to do with contributing to an active community and subculture. We found ourselves in the underground and somehow found solace in activity rather than lethargy.

Although there are no photos (that I know of) of my friends and me hanging out in the hall at the old 9:30, on the steps by the pillars at Wilson Center, in the grassy area in front of St. Stephen’s on 16th, or even on the corner of 7th and E outside of DC Space (which is the current location of a franchised coffee shop that will remain nameless), I still feel some warm, relatable affinity for the images within Punk Love.
Susie’s book exists as an important and endearing look at the sort of energy and urgency that occurs when you find that your presence actually means something – when you find that you count in the underground.
For fans of Banned in DC, consider it an extended look at the birth of DC’s punk scene, with text provided by Susie Horgan, Alec & Ian MacKaye, and Henry Rollins.


<a href="">Late ‘90s/Early 2000s</a>


BCore (from Barcelona) released some top-quality 7 inches between 1998 and 2000 from the following bands: Fireside, Kepone, June of 44, The Capitol City Dusters & Aina (split), Bluetip & NRA (split), and The Dismemberment Plan & Juno (split).

A bit later, BCore made a CD collection of all 13 songs released from their 7 inch series. We just rediscovered a small stack of these CDs here in the office, and we’re selling them at a reduced price: 2 bucks each. This is a lot of good music for cheap.

Obviously, picking up songs from bands like June of 44 and Dismemberment Plan may be a particular draw, but do not overlook the others. One of my favorite songs from this collection is Kepone’s “Conjure Man” – clocking in at just a minute and a half.

If you’re not familiar with Spain’s Bcore, I highly recommend checking out some of their releases. If you have no idea where to begin, you could always start here.

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