- A City Safe From Sea
- A Day In Black and White
- A Giant Dog
- Aaron Leitko
- Abilene
- Activations
- Aden
- Aerialist
- Ahleuchatistas
- Aina
- Air Miami
- Alarms and Controls
- Alice Despard
- All American Rejects
- All Scars
- Amazing Ghost
- America Hearts
- America Hearts/Cotton Candy
- Amy Yates Wuelfling / Steven DiLodovico
- Ancient Sky
- Ancient VVisdom
- Andalusians
- Andrea Lisi
- Andrew Beaujon
- Andrew Black
- Angel Dust
- Anna Connolly
- Antelope
- Antimony
- Antonia Tricarico
- Antonio Carlos Jobim
- Anywhere
- Aquarium
- Aracan
- Ars Phoenix
- Art Farmer and Jim Hall
- Artificial Peace
- Ascension
- Aughra
- Aughra Mosh Patrol
- Augustus Pablo
- Austin Lucas
- Autoclave
- Auxes
- Apes
- Ar-Kaics
- Bad Brains
- Bad Moves
- Bad Thoughts
- Bald Rapunzel
- Bam Bams
- Barge
- Barge
- Barreracudas
- Baseball Furies
- Bat Fangs
- Bats & Mice
- Bazhena
- Beasteater
- Beastmilk
- Beasts of No Nation
- Beauty Pill
- Beaver
- Bed Maker
- Beefeater
- Bells
- Bells Of
- Bells Of
- Ben Davis
- Ben Webster
- Benjy Ferree
- Benna
- Bert Queiroz
- Big Bill Broonzy
- Big China and Little Trouble
- Big China & Little Trouble
- Big Eyes
- Big Heavy Stuff
- Big Hush
- Bikini Kill
- Bill Raygun
- Billie Holiday
- Billups Allen
- Bio Ritmo
- Bird Noises
- Birds and Wires
- Birth Defects
- Birth Defects - CP/M
- Bitter American
- Bizarros
- Black Eyes
- Black Hills
- Black Light Panthers
- Black Mare
- Black Mare / Lycia
- Black Market Baby
- Black Panties
- Black Rails
- Blacks' Myths
- Blast Off Country Style
- Bleach Everything
- Bleach Everything / VORS
- Bless
- Blockhead
- Bluebird
- Bluebrain
- Bluetip
- Bluetip/Kerosene 454
- Bobby Sullivan
- Bonapartes
- Bonnie "Prince" Billy, Nathan Salsburg & Tyler Trotter
- Boom
- Boris Milic
- Bossanova
- Boy Sets Fire
- Braille Drivers
- Brain F/
- Brain Tourniquet
- Branch Manager
- Brandon Butler
- Breakout
- Brer
- Bridget Kathi Doug
- Brief Weeds
- Brokedowns
- Brother Dege
- Brute Heart
- Bryan Ray Turcotte
- Buck Gooter
- Bughummer
- Buildings
- Bummed
- Burmese
- Burndowns
- Burning Airlines
- Burning Paris
- Butch Willis
- Butch Willis & The Rocks
- Better Automatic
- Calibos
- Callowhill
- Camorra
- Camping
- Candy Machine
- Capitol City Dusters
- Cardia
- Carducci Bros.
- Caribbean
- Carni Klirs
- Casper Bangs
- Caspian
- Cassettes
- Casual Burn
- Catalyst
- Cath Carroll
- Cave In
- Caveman
- Celebration Summer
- Cement Shoes
- Cemetery Piss
- Chain and the Gang
- Channels
- Charles Mingus
- Cheap Freaks
- Cheick H. Diabate
- Chessie
- Child Ballads
- Chinese Burns
- Christi
- Christie Front Drive
- Christopher Grady
- Chrome Spiders
- Chumps
- Church Bats
- Cigarette
- Circus Lupus
- City By The Battlefield
- City Center
- City of Caterpillar
- Clark's Ditch
- Clean Girls
- Clear Band
- Clear Channel
- Cloak/Dagger
- Coasting
- Coasting
- Cobra Noir
- Coke Bust
- Coke Bust/Vaccine
- Coliseum & Doomriders
- Color Green
- Comet Gain
- Committee(s)
- Continuals
- Cool Moon
- Cool People
- Coriky
- Corm
- Corn on Macabre
- Cotton Candy
- Coup Sauvage & the Snips
- CR Stecyk & Glen E. Friedman
- Craig Wedren
- Crainium
- Creators
- Crestfallen
- Cretins
- Cricket Cemetary
- Crimson Spectre
- Crimson Wave
- Crispus Attucks
- Crom Tech
- Crownhate Ruin
- Crushed Butler
- Cry Baby Cry
- Currituck County
- Curt Oren and Nora Petran
- Curtis Seals / Christian D'Orbit
- Cynthia Connolly
- Cassettes
- Casual Dots
- Chance
- Cheniers
- Cherry People
- Chuck Dukowski Sextet
- Coastals
- Credentials
- Dag Nasty
- Dame Fate
- Dan Sinker
- Dan Treado
- Dance Party
- Danger Signs
- Daniel Higgs
- Daniel Johnston
- Danielle Howle
- Daria
- Dark Blue
- Darkest Hour
- Date Bait
- Dave Brown
- David Ensminger
- David Hillyard & the Rocksteady 7
- Dawn of Man
- DC Punk
- DD Owen
- Dead Meadow
- Dead Mechanical
- Dead People
- Deadline
- Dealbreaker
- Death By Sexy
- Deathfix
- Decahedron
- Del Cielo
- Delarcos
- Deleted Scenes
- Den of Thieves
- Denali
- Dennis Kane
- Des_Ark / Bellafea
- Des Ark
- Des Demonas
- Devil's Hand
- Dexter Gordon
- Diastemata
- Dirt Freex
- Disappearer
- Dismemberment Plan
- Division of Laura Lee
- D.O.C.
- Doctor Dread
- Domingues and Kane
- Don Zientara
- Doomriders
- Doris Henson
- Dos Santos
- Dot Hacker
- Downtown Boys
- Druid Perfume
- Drunken Sufis
- Dudes
- Duke Ellington
- Dying / Less Life
- Dystrhythmia
- Day of Man as Man
- Deadmen
- Earth Girls
- Ebenezer & The Bludgeons
- Edie Sedgwick
- Edsel
- Egg Hunt
- Eggs
- Eksi Ekso
- El Guapo
- El Huervo
- Electricutions
- Embrace
- Engine Down
- Equinox
- Erick Thomas Shelley
- Escape-Ism
- Escape-Ism / Light Beams
- Et At It
- Eternals
- Eulcid
- Evens
- Ex Hex
- Excelsior
- Exeunt No. 1
- Exeunt No. 2
- Explode Into Colors
- Extra Golden
- Extra Life
- Effects
- Electricutions
- Ettes
- Ex
- Fachada
- Failure
- Faith
- Fake Names
- Fang Wizard
- Fangs Out
- Faraquet
- Farewell Bend
- Fast Piece of Furniture
- Fatal Figures
- Fatal Figures
- Felt Letters
- Feminine Complex
- Fidelity Jones
- Field Day
- Fight Amptutation
- Fin Fang Foom
- Fine Motor
- Fire and the Wheel
- Fire Party
- Fire Retarded
- Flasher
- Flea
- Flesh Eating Creeps
- Flin Flon
- Flipover Stylus
- Flower Smellers
- Fool's Gold
- Fordists
- Forensics
- Forensics
- Fort Knox Five
- Fort Reno Concerts
- Forty Martyrs
- Fountaine Toups
- Fountainsun
- Four Hundred Years
- Foxhall Stacks
- Frank Frost
- Franklin Bruno
- Frantic Mantis
- Freakout Squares
- Freddie Hubbard
- Freddie T. and the People
- Free Children Of The Earth
- French Kiss
- French Toast
- Fried Egg
- Frodus
- Fugazi
- Fugazi "Instrument"
- Fulgora
- Fulton Lights
- Fury
- Factory Incident
- Foreign Correspondents
- Frequency
- G-Flux
- Gabriel Kuhn
- Gamla Pengar
- Gamma Rays
- Garland of Hours
- Gauche
- Georgie James
- Gestures
- Ghastly City Sleep
- Gift
- Gina Young
- Girl Loves Distortion
- Girls Vs. Boys
- Gist
- Give
- Glen E. Friedman
- Glendale
- Glenndoring
- Glos
- Glue Factory
- Golden
- Golden Awesome
- Golden City
- Golden Holy
- Gollipops
- Gordon Withers
- Governess
- Government Issue
- Government Warning
- Grass Widow/Nature
- Gray Matter
- Grenadine
- Groupie
- Guilt
- Gerunds
- Gotobeds
- Grave Walks
- Grey
- Haircut
- Halo Halo
- Hammered Hulls
- Han Gan
- Hand Fed Babies
- Hand Grenade Job
- Happy Go Licky
- Haram
- Hard Stripes
- Harmonic Cross
- Heavy Breathing
- Heavy Times
- Helmet
- Henry Rollins
- Hey Girl
- High Back Chairs
- High Cameras
- Highness
- Highway Cross
- Hoax Hunters
- HollAnd
- Hollywood
- Holy Rollers
- Hoover
- Hope and Anchor
- Horse Ing Two=Hit
- Host
- Host
- Hot Pursuit
- Hothead
- HottBeat
- House Boat
- Howie Abrams / James Lathos
- Hubris
- Human Bell
- Human Potential
- Human Shield
- Hume
- Hyrrokkin & Merzbow
- Hysterics
- Hangmen
- Humms
- Hurricane Lamps
- Hussy
- I See Spots
- Ian MacKaye
- Ian Svenonius
- Ida
- Ides of Gemini
- Ignition
- Il Sogno Del Marinaio
- Images
- Immoral Discipline
- Imperial China
- Impossible 5
- Impossible Hair
- In Arcadia
- In Camera
- Indian Summer
- Infamous Gehenna/Bleach Everything
- Infant Island
- Insect Factory
- Insinuations
- Insurgence DC
- Integrity
- Integrity/Power Trip
- Iron Boots
- Iron Cages
- Iron Cross
- J. Robbins
- Jack Potential
- Jacques Le Coque
- Jail Solidarity
- James Blood Ulmer
- Janel & Anthony
- Janel Leppin
- Jarhead Fertilizer/Purge
- Jason Falkner
- Jason Hamacher
- Jason Simon
- Jawbox
- Jean on Jean
- Jeff Nelson
- Jeff Simmermon
- Jem Cohen
- Jenhitt
- Jesuit
- Jet Age
- Jim Hall
- Jim Saah
- Joe Gross
- Joe Lally
- John Bustine
- John Coltrane
- John Dugan
- John Wesley Coleman III
- Johnny Cash
- Johnny Griffin
- Jonny Cohen
- Jonny Cohen Love Machine
- Julianna Barwick
- Jungle Fever
- Juno
- John Francis
- Julie Ruin
- Kaospilot
- Karthala 72
- Kate Samworth
- Kathy Cashel
- Katy Otto
- Kerosene 454
- Killer Bees
- Kimone
- Kingface
- Kissed By An Animal
- Kou Keri Kou
- Krill
- La Busta Gialla
- La La Vasquez
- Lacing
- L&T&W
- Land Speed Record
- Landspeedrecord
- Las Mordidas
- Las Palabras
- Last Train Home
- Laughing Man
- Laura Burhenn
- Lenorable
- Leo Svirsky
- Librarians
- Lickity Split
- Light Beams
- Light the Fuse and Run
- Like Bats
- Linda Aronow
- Litany For the Whale
- Little Pink
- Little Shalimar
- Little Women
- Lo Moda
- Lobo Marino
- Lorelei
- Los Hermanos Rodriguez
- Los Marauders
- Loser Life
- Lost Sounds
- Lost Sounds
- Loud Boyz
- Louis Armstrong
- Lover!
- Lovitt Empire
- Low End String Quartet
- LTW / State Violence
- LTW/Beasts of No Nation
- Lucian Perkins
- Luke Top
- Lungfish
- Lymbyc Systym
- Landlords
- Life and Times
- Möbius Strip
- Macaw
- Machetres
- Mad Existence
- Made Out of Babies
- Magic Johnson
- Majority Rule
- Make-Up
- Malady
- Malefice
- Mancake
- Marginal Man
- Margo
- Maritime
- Mark Andersen
- Mark Andersen and Ralph Heibutzki
- Mark Beemer
- Mark Robinson
- Marriage
- Mary Christ
- Mary Timony
- Mass Movement Of The Moth
- Massacre of the Umbilical Cord
- Masters of Fright
- Mattress Financial
- Maximillian Colby
- Maybe, Baby
- Mean Jeans
- Mean Jeans
- Measles, Mumps, Rubella
- Meatwound
- Mecca Normal
- Medications
- Mellow Diamond
- Meltdown
- Memory Loss
- Mercury Program
- Messthetics
- Metropolitan
- Metropolitan
- M.F.D.
- Mi Ami
- Michael Azerrad
- Mihaly
- Mike Watt
- Mike Watt & the Bobblymen
- Mike Watt & the Secondmen / Chronics
- Mike Watt & V/A
- Mike Watt/Chuck Dukowski
- Mike Watt/Qui
- Milemarker
- Miles Davis
- Milliseconds
- Milt Jackson
- Mingering Mike
- Minor Threat
- Minutes
- Misled Youth
- Miss Lonelyheart
- Mister Goblin
- Mitchell W. Feldstein
- Mock Identity
- Mod Subs
- Model Home
- Mondo Ray
- Monorchid
- Monotrope
- Monument
- Moon
- More Humans
- Morris
- Most Secret Method
- Motion Graphics
- M.O.T.O.
- Mourning A Blkstar
- Mrs. Magician
- Mucca Pazza
- Mud
- Multicult
- Murder
- Mutant Scum
- Mutating Meltdown
- Mutoid Man
- My Fictions
- Machines
- Mauls
- Nathan Bell
- Nation Of Ulysses
- Nature
- Navies
- Neonates
- Nethers
- Network 34
- New Freedom Sound
- New Idea Society
- New Wet Kojak
- Nightbirds
- Nirvana
- Nitro Tokyo
- NO BS! Brass
- No Dead Monsters
- No-Gos
- Noise And Silence
- No/Mas
- Norman Mayer Group
- Nosebleed
- Now Sleepyhead
- NY in 64
- Nyteowl
- New Standard
- No Go's
- NVs
- Object Collection
- Obsessed
- Ocobaya
- Octis
- Office of Future Plans
- Old Man Gloom
- Old Man Gloom
- Old Mexico
- Oldest
- Oldest
- Olivia Neutron John
- Olympic Death Squad
- One Last Wish
- One Starving Day
- Opiyo Bilongo
- Opposite Sex
- Ornette Coleman
- Orquesta el Macabeo
- Orthrelm
- Oswego
- Overnight Lows
- Offspring
- Opposite Sex
- Others
- Out_Circuit
- Owners
- Pacific Ocean
- Paddan
- Paint Branch
- Pale Saints
- Pancake Mountain
- Panic in Detroit
- Paramount Styles
- Paranoid Minds
- Party Milk
- Partyline
- Pash
- Passing Phases
- Pat Graham
- Patrick O'Donnell
- Pattern is Movement
- Paul Desmond
- Paul Desmond & Gerry Mulligan
- Paul Michel
- Pearie Sol
- Pembroke
- Penetrators
- Perpetually Twelve
- Persekutor
- Personal and the Pizzas
- Personal & the Pizzas
- Pg. 99
- Pg. 99
- Phil Krauth
- Photo Ops
- Pinebender
- Pines of Nowhere
- Pines of Nowhere
- Pinkwash
- Pitchman
- Pizza
- Plates
- Platinum Boys
- Pliant
- Plunger
- Pluralone
- Pocket Rockets
- Points
- Police and Thieves
- Police & Thieves / Remission
- Pollution
- Poor But Sexy
- Poppets
- Poseur Bill
- Positive Force
- Positive State
- Power Trip
- Priests
- Primal Rite
- Protect-U
- Public Suicide
- Puff Pieces
- Punk the Capital
- Pupils
- Pure Disgust
- Putrisect
- Pygmy Lush
- Pygmy Lush
- Paper Chase
- Phobes
- Project
- R. Rock Enterprises
- Radel Esca
- Rah-Bras
- Rain
- Rain Like The Sound Of Trains
- Rainbow Crimes
- RaRaFre+Am
- Rashomon
- Rational Anthem
- Rattler
- Ravagers
- Ray Charles & Milt Jackson
- Raymond Brake
- Red C
- Red Death
- Red Dons
- Red Eye
- Red Hare
- Red Kross
- Red Rumsey / Teach Me Equals
- Redgrave
- Refused
- Regents
- Regulator Watts
- Relaxer
- Religious to Damn
- Rench's Rifles
- Report Suspicious Activity
- Reptile House
- Resin Hits
- Respira
- Restless
- Retisonic
- Retsin
- Revival
- Ricky Adam
- Ricky Fitts
- Ringfinger
- Ris Paul Ric
- Rites Of Spring
- Roads to Space Travel
- Robert Moss
- Robert Schipul
- Rocknho
- Roger Gastman
- Rollins Band
- Rollins Band
- Rollkicker Laydown
- Romance of Young Tigers
- Romania
- Roofwalkers
- Roomrunner
- Rostro Medial Prefrontal Cortex
- Rot in Hell/Psywarfare
- Rote Hexe
- Roto
- Routineers
- Roy Orbison
- Ruby Dare
- Ruby Pins
- Rumspringer
- Rah Bras
- Rememberables
- Replacements
- Reply
- Rondelles
- Ropers
- Salad Days
- Salome
- Samuel S.C.
- Sarah Azzara
- Sarah Azzara
- Sarah Shannon
- Savage Boys and Girls Club
- Scene Creamers
- Scott Crawford
- Scrawl
- Scream
- Screen Vinyl Image
- Screens
- Sea Lilies
- Sean Born & Dunc
- Sean McArdle
- Sean on the Drums
- Second Thought
- Sectarian Violence
- Seger Liberation Army
- Sensor Ghost
- Sentai
- Sentai
- Set to Explode
- Sevens
- Severin
- Sex Worker
- Shadow Riot
- Shady Hawkins
- Sharon Cheslow
- Shawna Kenney
- Shiner
- Shining Path
- Shirks
- Shondes
- Shortstack
- Shoutbus
- Shudder To Think
- Sickoids
- Signs Point to Yes
- Silo Halo
- Silver Fox
- Sisterhood of Convoluted Thinker
- Skelliton
- Skewbald
- Skip James
- Skull Defekts
- Skull Kontrol
- Skymender
- Slant 6
- Slavic Soul Party
- Sleepytime Trio
- Slickee Boys
- Sloog
- Slugz
- Slump
- Sly & The Family Stone
- Smart Went Crazy
- Snail Mail
- Snakes
- Sneaks
- Soccer Team
- Some Day Soon
- Sometree
- Songs of August
- Sonic Youth
- Sonny Rollins
- Sonny Vincent
- Sons of Disobedience
- Sorts
- Soulside
- Southkill
- Spanglish Fly
- Sparklebot
- Sparrows Swarm and Sing
- Spider Fever
- Spielgusher
- Spirit Caravan
- Spirit Plots
- Spot
- Spur
- Standstill
- Starry Eyes
- State Violence
- State Violence
- Statehood
- Static Eyes
- Stephen Brodsky
- Sterling Sisters
- Stevie Chick
- Stewart Dean Ebersole
- Sticks
- Sticky Icky
- Stigmatics
- Stinking Lizavetta
- Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
- Strange Boutique
- Street Stains
- Stronger Sex
- Struction
- Sugar Glyder
- Sugartime
- Suicidal Tendencies
- Sun Ra
- Suns of Guns
- Sunwolf
- Super Hi Fi
- Super Hi Fi/Polyrhythmics (SPLIT)
- Supercrush
- Superdestroyers
- Supersuckers
- Supersystem
- Supine to Sit
- Suppression
- Susie Horgan
- Sway Machinery
- Sweet Cobra
- Sworn Liars
- Screamer
- Seeers
- Sinister Quarter
- Suspects
- Sweet Sixteens
- T Tops
- Taciturn
- Talibam!
- Tal/Iron Galaxy
- Talk Normal
- Tara J. O'Neil & Dan Littleton
- Tav Falco
- Tav Falco's Panther Burns
- Tear Jerks
- Teargas Rock
- Technostress
- Ted Leo / Publicist UK
- Ted Leo & the Pharmacists
- Teen Idles
- Teen Liver
- Teething Veils
- Tel Aviv
- Tender Thrill
- Tenement
- Tereu Tereu
- Terry Malts
- Tesco Vee & Dave Stimson & Steve Miller
- Testors
- Textbook Traitors
- Textbook Traitors
- Th Downer Boys
- Thank God
- Terminal Five
- Trash Company
- Thee Goochi Boiz
- Thee Snuff Project
- Thelonious Monk
- This Ship Will Sink
- This Will Destroy You
- Three
- Three Second Kiss
- Tim Follos and Hussain Mohammed
- Time Is Fire
- Tinnitus
- Titfield Thunderbolt
- Title Tracks
- TK Echo
- To Dream of Autumn
- Tone
- Tone Scientists
- Tony Rettman
- Too Much
- Tornavalanche
- Tornavalanche
- Tosser
- Tractor Sex Fatality
- Tracy Shedd
- Tramuntanas
- Trance and the Arcade
- Travis Morrison Hellfighters
- Treiops Treyfid
- Tribu Baharú
- Troll Tax
- Tronics
- Trooper
- Trophy Wife
- True Love Always
- Trupa Trupa
- Trusty
- T.S.O.L.
- Tsunami
- Tulsa Drone
- Turn Pale
- Tuscadero
- Two Inch Astronaut
- Two Tears
- Tyvek
- Undecided
- Union Strike
- United Mutation
- Unknown Instructors
- Unrest
- Untouchables
- Upsilon Acrux
- Uptown XO
- Vitals
- Valerian Swing
- Van Johnson
- Vandaveer
- Various Artists
- Vermapyre and Ides of Gemini
- Versus
- Vertebrates
- Vic Ruggiero
- Victor Archie
- Victory at Sea
- Vile Cherubs
- Viva Caramel
- Viva Satellite
- Void
- Vomit Launch
- Waifle
- Wailin Storms
- Wakefield
- War Honey
- War on Women
- War Party
- Warmed Over Band
- Warmers
- Washerwoman
- Washington Social Club
- Wayward
- Weak Teeth
- Weather Report
- Wedding Dress
- Weird War
- White Faces
- White Whale
- Wild Fruit
- Wing Dam
- Witchcraft by a Picture
- Wolves Again
- Wormwood
- Worse Case Scenario
- Wrong Day to Quit
- Wurm
- Wynton Marsalis
- Years/Ventoux
- Yell County
- Yellow Fever
- Yellow Red Sparks
- Young Ginns
- Young Pioneers
- Young Trynas
- Your Adversary
- Youth Brigade